“Orphan Black” follows outsider, orphan and street-wise chameleon Sarah, who will be portrayed by actress Tatiana Maslany (“Picture Day”). After witnessing a woman’s suicide, Sarah assumes the stranger’s identity, who happens to look just like her. Expecting to solve all her problems by cleaning out the dead woman’s savings, Sarah is instead thrust headlong into a kaleidoscopic mystery as she realizes the dizzying truth: she and the dead woman are clones.
As Sarah searches for answers, she discovers the chilling fact that there are more people like her out there — genetically identical individuals who were planted in unsuspecting birth parents and nurtured in completely different circumstances. With no idea who created the clones, she’ll need to discover the reason in a hurry as an assassin is killing them one by one.
I love this show su much!
Wow this show is awesome, just am on 3/4 of the 5th episode could not stop watching.
Nice ! Refreshing..
Season 2 will be airing April 14!!!!
I will watch season 2
I didn't much care for the second half. For drama to have mystery one must well balance it -- this show telegraphs most of it't movess big moves way, way too obviously -- and then it'll have bits that are just wide reveals (which in itself is fine) -- but don't inspire much.
there's a lot to the character drama I like -- but the overarching plot is fairly weak. . .most of the time.
I also have a personal hatred for religiously motivated villains. Bi-sexual, atheist, lived in the bible belt my whole life, etc. I've dealt with far too many real evils stemming from that particular avenue to want to EVER see it in my entertainment. Too close to home.
@alpha Yeahh o/
Great concept and basic execution, and some quite brilliant aesthetics. Too bad the main narrative lets it down in the second half of the season, simply too jumpy and uninspired.
Why are there spoilers in the show's description? Jesus!
#Emmy for #OrphanBlack's @TatianaMaslany
Glad to hear it got renewed, season one just keeps getting better and better!
Renewed for 2nd season! Yay! http://www.spoilertv.com/2013/05/orphan-black-renewed-for-2nd-season.html
The drama will premiere on BBC America on Saturday, March 30, 9:00/8:00C PM