

When mystery-thriller writer Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) is called in to help investigate a series of copycat murders based on his books, he finds he enjoys the experience sufficiently to want to continue it. Pulling strings, he arranges to accompany NYPD Detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic), claiming he wants to study and use her as a personality basis for his next book series. But their personalities don't mesh -- Castle's fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants detective style greatly clashes with Beckett's more conservative and methodical approach to the crimes, but the new life that Castle has begun couldn't have been scripted better by himself.

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aired Mar 10, 2009


intanmarthasari (May 22, 2016)

yes, season 8 is not as good as the previous ones, but still sad that the end is here.

Woutah (May 18, 2016)

@zvucnjak Can't say I disagree with that. (:

zvucnjak (May 17, 2016)

@Woutah Maybe it's for the best.

Woutah (May 16, 2016)

@zvucnjak Yes, season 8 will be the last.

zvucnjak (May 15, 2016)

Apparently Castle has been cancelled?

zvucnjak (Oct 04, 2015)

@PanosK @SolitudeGirl I don't know but when I click on TVrage, it says the site is down :/

SolitudeGirl (Oct 03, 2015)

Update this please!

Dmpstrbaby (Sep 29, 2015)

Must really suck for Molly Quinn to have been shoved anorexic women as "the standard" all of her life and now be turning into a full grown, healthy, woman.

Dax (Sep 29, 2015)

@PanosK There are quite a few that aren't updating right now it seems.

EDIT: Seems their source is offline for 2 weeks, so should resolve itself in time.

PanosK (Sep 29, 2015)

Why is it not updated?

weltfremd (Feb 16, 2015)

Hah, and just when I finished season 3 and thought about how boring things got, season 4 turned out to be the best season so far!

weltfremd (Feb 16, 2015)

@XavierM19 Yes, I noticed. I haven't seen more than the first two seasons from 'The Mentalist' yet and just started watching Castle when I wrote the comment, that's why I didn't consider the relationship part. You're right, there are differences but I still can't help but think about how much they remind me of each other every time I watch it.

XavierM19 (Feb 15, 2015)

@weltfremd Well, it definitely has some similarities. Female characters are from the police, male chars are not. They both solve crimes, male chars are smarter than female ones and got together quite some time after starting working with each other. HOWEVER, the love relation/situation between Castle/Becket and Jane/Lisbon is completely different.

weltfremd (Jan 31, 2015)

Castle and Beckett remind me so much of Patrick Jane and Teresa Lisbon from 'The Mentalist'.

az25 (Feb 15, 2014)

@b0sse @Freeddie @raymondtoonen @toar4ever @stylelover It airs on Monday on the network that created it, ABC. It airs on Sundays in Canada on CTV. Technically, Monday is the correct airdate, but because CTV already has overriding shows on it's Monday schedule, ABC has allowed them to air it on Sundays. It is still a Monday night show.

stylelover (Jan 06, 2014)

it still airs at mondays in the US, thats why the airdates are like that. it airs in canada on sundays, one day before the us date.

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  • 4.3 (329 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Ended
  • Premiered Mar 09, 2009
  • Genre Crime, Drama, Mystery, Comedy
  • Country United States
  • Network ABC
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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  • Last Checked 5 hours ago
  • Last Updated 5 hours ago