The Fall is a crime drama series starring Gillian Anderson as DSI Stella Gibson. After a murder in the city of Belfast remains unsolved, Gibson is brought in from the London Metropolitan Police to help catch solve the crime and identify the killer.
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Dark Descent
aired May 12, 2013
The Guardian: Season 3 has yet to air, but Gillian Anderson would be game for a 4th season.
Jamie Dornan has confirmed he’d be willing to return for The Fall Season 4 and beyond.
I've heard they're talking about season 3 the end of 2015
BBC Two has renewed The Fall for a third season (and final?) of five episodes. Series stars Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan will return. No word on when season three of The Fall will debut.
Wikipedia: Talks of series 3 was announced on Nov 13, 2014. There are no definite plans, but the star, Gillian Anderson, is hopeful there could be a third series, and that ideas for another series have been planned.
As we know, Jamie Dornan started as Christian Grey in Fifty Shades of Grey so...but who knows...
superb series.
gillian anderson is wonderful. very good show.
Very entertaining series. With some real good acting.
Highly recommended!
Gillian still looks hot, damn, she is unbelievable.
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