

In this series (formerly called Legion), 20 years after evil angels descended from heaven to lay waste to the human souls they felt God had favored over them, a reluctant "savior" must arise to protect Vega, the last remaining stronghold of humanity. The savior has more to fear than just angels, as the elites of this new society conspire to gain power for themselves. (Source: Syfy)

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1x01 Pilot
aired Jun 20, 2014


chachafance (Jul 14, 2015)

Tried it. Watched the first season, but have lost interest now =/

Mitholas (Aug 12, 2014)

@Vesper if this website had a 'like' button, I would have used it for this comment.

w00tert (Aug 06, 2014)

@Vesper well as interesting as such discussion could be, i'm not about to do it here :)

Vesper (Aug 06, 2014)

@w00tert but the bible doesn't use male names for the angels, those names were gender neutral and in some countries are still considered as such. It was only after christian art started to show angels in male forms that we started to connect those angels to the male gender.

w00tert (Aug 05, 2014)

@Vesper oh right, sorry i see.
still; who said angels don't have a gender? If it's the bible you're referring to; first off that's just a book (the movie isn't even based on the bible, well maybe really loosely). Second, they still use male names in the bible for the angels. That kind of indicates there are genders within their ranks :)

Vesper (Aug 04, 2014)

@w00tert you should read my comment again, it makes perfect sense.

w00tert (Aug 04, 2014)

@Vesper lol, you make no sense. Gender means male/female, not black/white :D

Ontopic: the show is decent. It's not great, but there aren't that many shows in this category.

Vesper (Jul 16, 2014)

This show is white as fuck but it's not all bad, if you like to watch white men doing stuff. I thought angels had no gender, but I guess I was wrong.

ames811 (Jun 29, 2014)

I didn't watch the movie but I think the story is very creative and imaginative

heartofacloud (Jun 27, 2014)

This is surprisingly consistent considering the movie it's based on. Then again, the movie went downhill after a little while so let's hope they don't do the same.

Baltimore (Jun 27, 2014)


Freekje (Jun 25, 2014)

Really liked the pilot, this could become very good :)

quinn (Jun 21, 2014)

I remember suffering through about 15mins of Legion before turning it off.
Not sure how I feel about a spin-off series.

Let's hope this will be better.

Dmpstrbaby (Jun 21, 2014)

It is based on the 2010 film Legion.

Baltimore (Apr 23, 2014)

Very excited for this!

josbeir (Mar 28, 2014)
  • Currently 3.3/5 stars.
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  • 3.3 (45 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Ended
  • Premiered Jun 19, 2014
  • Genre Action, Drama, Family, Sci-Fi, Thriller
  • Country United States
  • Network Syfy
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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