12 Monkeys is a tv series adaptation of Terry Gilliam's 1995 feature film of the same name. The movie starred Bruce Willis as James Cole, a convicted criminal in a post-apocalyptic future where the Earth's population is forced to live underground after a deadly virus. In a bid to earn a pardon, Cole uses the imperfect science of time travel to help collect information on the virus released by the Army of the Twelve Monkeys.
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aired Jan 17, 2015
season 4 was amazing
the end
A very underrated scifi gem. 12 monkeys is the biggest and best time travel mindfcuk you'll ever watch, I doubt there will ever be a time travel series as good as this again.
One advice tho, I highly recommend bingeing it from start to finish, otherwise you won't be able to keep up at all.
12 Monkeys (SyFy) – Canceled (after fourth season)
Very good Season. Enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting.
@CrimsonLips april 2016, aka too far away
Heard about 2nd season. Anyone knows when?
This show boring me
There's no specials for this? I figured that's where they'd list the 10 short webisodes available at http://www.syfy.com/12monkeys/videos/all/4606
Dumbed down for television
promising, good pilot !
Wow! Great job, SyFy channel! The quality of their original series has come a long way and '12 Monkeys' is proof of it. I was riveted and left wanting more! And this was just after the first episode! I'm a huge fan of the movie so I couldn't help but compare. I was delighted with the thrilling pace and the details that filled in where the movie seemed to just hint. It's as if the movie was the trailer for this, the real deal. Knowing the reasons for the events that are unfolding, one is still wide-eyed at the way they're being developed. I cannot wait to see what else is in store. I highly recommend this series. It's my first 5 out of 5!
Fraking fantastic
Picked up to series! http://www.deadline.com/2014/04/12-monkeys-picked-up-to-series-at-syfy/
Kirk Acevedo added to the pilot cast. I like this development. :) http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/fringes-kirk-acevedo-joins-syfys -660610