From Emmy Award-winning directors Joe and Anthony Russo (Arrested Development) comes Community, a smart comedy series about higher education -- and lower expectations. The student body at Greendale Community College is made up of high-school losers, newly divorced housewives, and old people who want to keep their minds active. Within these not-so-hallowed halls, Community focuses on a band of misfits, at the center of which is a fast-talkin' lawyer whose degree has been revoked (Joel McHale), who form a study group and end up learning a lot more about themselves than they do about their course work.
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aired Sep 17, 2009
IT LIVES! :D Thanks, Yahoo. Just going to put this here
Fuck yeah, let's hope it's good!
Community renewed by Yahoo for sixth season!!!
RIP community :(
in talks with Hulu let's hope for the best :)
will miss this show :(
NBC continues to treat its masterpiece shows like trash meanwhile picking up idiotic shows that will only last a season. Community will be remembered among some of NBC's and television's best comedies
how can CBS still renewing shows like 2 and a half men, tbbt or 2 broke girls and NBC, having one other good comedy series can cancel community? #darkesttimeline
i really hope that netflix or anyone will pick it up for at least 6th season :(
WTF ! :( :(
#SixSeasonsAndAMovie ??
at least we were here :(
And yet two and a half fucking men are renewed every fucking season despite being infinite worse than community. #fuckyounbc
Damn this show had some of the best characters
You were too magnificent for this filthy world.You'll be remembered as the smartest, funniest, best-written and most-misunderstood show in television's history. But at least you've gone fighting, and trolling the leaders of NBC as never been done before. Goodbye Community, now I'm going to light candles in front of Netflix, 'cause a tv schedule without you is unacceptable.This truly is, the darkest timeline. #twelveseasonsandathemepark #sixseasonandamovie #community #fuckyounbc #netflixpleasesavecommunity
#darkesttimeline :(
No way, so sad! It deserved a better ending than this one. :(
nice knowing you
You could see this coming (the fifth season was great, but not something that could 'save' a serie), but it's still a shock. Fucking cancelled :(