

From Emmy Award-winning directors Joe and Anthony Russo (Arrested Development) comes Community, a smart comedy series about higher education -- and lower expectations. The student body at Greendale Community College is made up of high-school losers, newly divorced housewives, and old people who want to keep their minds active. Within these not-so-hallowed halls, Community focuses on a band of misfits, at the center of which is a fast-talkin' lawyer whose degree has been revoked (Joel McHale), who form a study group and end up learning a lot more about themselves than they do about their course work.

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1x01 Pilot
aired Sep 17, 2009


Fish (Mar 30, 2018)


bakashinji (Nov 26, 2015)

my heart

WhiteSenji (Aug 26, 2015)
Leo111 (Aug 05, 2015)

@BertDenolf I think I love you

Woutah (Aug 04, 2015)

Community Cancelled: Joel McHale Confirms No Season 7 ale/

thegirl2015 (Jul 24, 2015)

salut je suis stephie Ngene comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?

Xoundor (Jun 22, 2015)

Loved the show until Chevy Chase left. Season 5 was kinda boring and 6 is close to unbearable..

BraMMe (Jun 19, 2015)

@JeanRalphio Definitely Annie's boobs

marud (Jun 12, 2015)

Watching this show now is like watching elderly movie star, who used to be extremely beautiful, but now has two teeth, spots on the skin, a hunchback etc. It's terribly sad that the show that was so incredible, so fresh, is now just an ugly, thin shadow.

JeanRalphio (Jun 05, 2015)

Is this dead now? Good.
That season was really bad, and the last episode was ridiculous.
No movie either please.

We'll remember the good times of the first few seasons.

And Annie's boobs.

dddieter (May 21, 2015)

@BertDenolf Yes Bort, Yes

GuillaumeVMaele (May 21, 2015)
BertDenolf (May 19, 2015)

In my opinion, the show lost some quality after the third season (which was undoubtedly their best) but remained great and enjoyable. I imagine it was very hard for the writer to keep up with the sheer brilliance they put up in the first three seasons, especially when they lost 3 characters of the main cast. Season 4 to 6 were stacked with some not-so-special and sometimes rather dull episodes, but overall it made me laugh so I don't think they ruined the series and I'm glad they kept reviving this show.

I will always have a special place in my heart for the paintball episodes (yes, also the last one was amazing), the dungeon&dragons episodes, the dice episode, the animated episodes, the pillow fort episode and Troy's last episode, because they are unique in the world of television and made Community as it should be remembered: a brilliant and must-see television series.

mrVazil (May 19, 2015)

So sad they ruined yet another great concept. American writers need to learn to stop while they're ahead instead of milking it and then turning a 9/10 into something not even worth 3/10

rorypondicus (May 19, 2015)

Season 1+2 Britta Perry will always mean the world to me, it's a shame that this show fell apart in the way it did.

kenneththepage (May 19, 2015)

This show is 1/3 of what it used to be. I'm unfollowing now before keeping up becomes nothing more than a chore. I'll always cherish the original characters and seasons 1-3.

furbul (Jan 13, 2015)

March 17th!

kenneththepage (Oct 26, 2014)

Shirley is leaving :(
I don't know. I can't really see it being itself ever again

StevieG (Jul 02, 2014)

Thank you Yahoo!

TomF (Jul 01, 2014)

Amazing that it got renewed by Yahoo! Can't wait!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
  • Currently 4.5/5 stars.
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  • 4.5 (796 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Ended
  • Premiered Sep 17, 2009
  • Genre Comedy
  • Country United States
  • Network YAHOO! SCREEN
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


Followers (9457)

Importer Status

  • Last Checked 1 hour ago
  • Last Updated Apr 14, 2024