

“Stitchers” follows Kirsten (Emma Ishta), a young woman recruited into a covert government agency to be ‘stitched’ into the minds of the recently deceased, using their memories to investigate murders and decipher mysteries that otherwise would have gone to the grave. Working alongside Kirsten is Cameron (Kyle Harris), a brilliant neuroscientist whose passion for the program is evident in his work. The secret program is headed by Maggie (Salli Richardson-Whitfield), a skilled veteran of covert operations, and includes Linus (Ritesh Rajan), a socially immature bioelectrical engineer and communications technician. Kirsten’s roommate, Camille (Allison Scagliotti), a gifted computer science grad student, is also recruited to use her skills to assist Kirsten in her new role as a ‘stitcher.’

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aired Jun 03, 2015


kamaradu (Jan 28, 2018)

Freeform has canceled the sci-fi procedural after three seasons.

Kessie (Oct 24, 2015)

You should add "Sezon 1 Episode 11"! :D

kamaradu (Oct 22, 2015)

Sezon 1 Episode 11 - When Darkness Falls ( a Halloween special episode)

kamaradu (Jul 19, 2015)

Stitchers: Season Two Renewal for ABC Family Series

ChristophG (Jun 21, 2015)

I know its hard to came up with something new but... Srsly? This show is so cliche that even if you not paying much attention while watching it you propably know what is going on and you'll predict most (if not all) of events and "plot twists" (i dont even know if you can call it that way). At this moment I'm watching it only for Allison Scagliotti because i miss her since Warehouse 13 has ended...

Kessie (Jun 16, 2015)

I already love this show :D When they go out to rave - it was so funny! :D

Lenon (Jun 14, 2015)

@FEER5698 that was exactly how i felt watching the show

FEER5698 (Jun 11, 2015)

this is how i experienced the pilot:
10s annoyed lame special slowdown warpeffects.
5m actors are lame.
10m bored, nothing original.
15m made for 10-13 year old boys, too many hard words, like: device.
20m waste of money to dev the fishtank room, damm these actors are bad.
25m speeded up the playmode 1.5x so this shit ends already.
26m people talk funny, finally some action.
28m woman with a wet ponytail are sexy.
30m blablablabla
34m dry ponytails are sexy also.
36m lame special effect, people drop on floor, story continuous unrealistic to the max.
39m the catsuit has no entry holes, what a tease.

press unfollow button, on to the next crap pilot.

rating 4.5/10 avoid, not even fun as a dump series.

if you like the first 1m you will like the entire pilot, it doesnt get worse or better.

Woutah (Jun 08, 2015)

@Dmpstrbaby Can't say I see the comparison there...

Dmpstrbaby (Jun 06, 2015)

If you liked Chuck this show is just as cheesy/bad so you'll love it.

Foaman (Jun 04, 2015)

A weak production but with an interesting premise. Salli Richardson (Eureka) is a main character which is a great thing plus I really liked the robot-like character of Kirsten and Emma Ishta is practically a supermodel.

Don't expect much from this show, it's not gonna blow you away, it's light, cheap and filled with pretty people but definitely watchable, best used as a free time filler.

  • Currently 3.5/5 stars.
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  • 3.5 (29 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Ended
  • Premiered Jun 02, 2015
  • Genre Drama, Mystery, Politics, Science-Fiction
  • Country United States
  • Network ABC Family
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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  • Last Updated Apr 28, 2022