

Based on a light novel series written by Narita Ryougo and illustrations by Yasuda Suzuhito. The author Narita and illustrator Yasuda Suzuhito’s “distorted love story” is set in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, and revolves around an ensemble cast including street thugs, high school students, a female radio host, an underworld doctor, a young information vendor, and a headless Irish fairy. Narita Ryougo may be better known to English speakers as the author of the Baccano! novel series.

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aired Jan 08, 2010


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  • 4.4 (34 votes)
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  • Status Ended
  • Premiered Jan 07, 2010
  • Genre Action, Anime, Fantasy, Romance/Dating, Animation, Drama, Thriller
  • Country Japan
  • Network MBS
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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  • Last Checked 10 hours ago
  • Last Updated Jul 09, 2024