

Last logged in 12 hours ago


PippoInzaghi (Apr 13, 2021)

@ForgotMyLines yes, I can help with that. I have a tvdb account and update a lot of Belgian shows on that website. If u tell me which shows, I'll try to update them.

ForgotMyLines (Apr 13, 2021)

There seems to be a big Belgium following on this site, and loads of highly followed Belgium shows. I am struggling so hard to find plots and pictures for shows, and episodes. It took me hours to add plots and pictures to a 6 episode show. Even IMDb don't offer much.

Do you have a TV site in Belgium, similar to IMDb or TVDb that I can use? That you use for looking up Belgium shows? And gives plots and pictures? If there is a well known site, it would make things so much easier if you could point me in that direction. I think I have 2 Belgium sites for TV shows, but they are not very comprehensive. Thanks mate for any info. Just want to make this more inclusive.

PippoInzaghi (Apr 09, 2021)

@Lemon OK. Thx

Lemon (Apr 09, 2021)

Hi @PippoInZaghi!

Working through them this weekend, thanks for adding them!

I accidentally rejected the "The Last Godfather" submission, can you resubmit it?

PippoInzaghi (Apr 08, 2021)
ForgotMyLines (Apr 08, 2021)

@PippoInzaghi Only Lemon can accept new show contributions, but I will mention this to her. I know she has been working on big things for the site in her spare time after work, so has had a lot on. I will mention the show backlog though. Thanks for flagging it mate.

PippoInzaghi (Apr 08, 2021)

@ForgotMyLines I contributed a lot of new shows. Can u review them?

PippoInzaghi (Feb 23, 2021)

@ForgotMyLines ok, thx!

ForgotMyLines (Feb 22, 2021)

@PippoInzaghi Any shows you love, or big shows you notice has no show or episode pictures, or plots. Let me know.

PippoInzaghi (Feb 22, 2021)

@ForgotMyLines i'm fine, thx

ForgotMyLines (Feb 22, 2021)

@PippoInzaghi I'm good thanks mate. How are you getting on?

PippoInzaghi (Feb 22, 2021)

@ForgotMyLines np. How do u do

ForgotMyLines (Feb 21, 2021)

Hi mate. Thanks for accepting my friend request. Nice to meet you.

PippoInzaghi (Jan 02, 2017)

@kakature Jep!

kakature (Jan 02, 2017)

Is dat Belgium's Got Talent zonder titel?

EDIT: Of nee, 't is Lotgenoten zeker?

PippoInzaghi (Jan 25, 2013)

@grotesQue bbc or torrent

grotesQue (Jan 25, 2013)

Hey! Where are you watching Film 2013? It's only on TV, or I can find it on the internet?

Bontus (Dec 01, 2010)

1 aflevering Duts, direct de laatste ook. Pure rommel.

minimaL (Oct 16, 2010)

respect voor forum.rsca.be !

PippoInzaghi (Sep 20, 2010)

@Bauwens De enige echte !

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822 Following
33736 Watched
  • Country Belgium
  • Join date Aug 04, 2010
