

Last logged in Nov 08, 2024


tiagoh (Aug 13, 2017)

Hey! Thank you for the heads up. I've tried TVmaze before but I didn't like it. I am currently using, and it is quite good, although it hasn't got the simplicity that I love in this site. I've been living in the hopes it would return to form at some time, but now it doesn't seem likely at all.

theRecommender (Nov 09, 2015)

You should watch The Strain because you already follow True Detective, Fringe, The 100, Marvel s Agents of S H I E L D and Game of Thrones
You should watch The Pacific because you already follow The Sopranos, Fringe, Mad Men, House, Heroes and Game of Thrones
You should watch Downton Abbey because you already follow Arrested Development, Mad Men, The 100 and Sherlock

theRecommender (Oct 02, 2015)

You should watch Terra Nova because you already follow Arrested Development, Falling Skies, Community and Breaking Bad
You should watch South Park because you already follow Arrested Development, Community, Breaking Bad, Futurama and Game of Thrones
You should watch Sense8 because you already follow Parks and Recreation, Firefly, Game of Thrones and Mr Robot

theRecommender (Sep 05, 2015)

You should watch It s Always Sunny in Philadelphia because you already follow Arrested Development, Community, Breaking Bad, Futurama and Heroes
You should watch The Vampire Diaries because you already follow Supernatural, The 100 and House
You should watch Person of Interest because you already follow Revolution 2012, The Wire, Sherlock and Game of Thrones

theRecommender (Aug 03, 2015)

You should watch The Big Bang Theory because you already follow Breaking Bad, Chuck and House
You should watch Friends because you already follow Arrested Development, Community, Breaking Bad, House and Game of Thrones
You should watch Homeland because you already follow True Detective, Breaking Bad, Sherlock, House, Game of Thrones and House of Cards 2013

theRecommender (Jul 01, 2015)

You should watch Entourage because you already follow Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation, The Sopranos and The Wire
You should watch Daredevil because you already follow Arrested Development, Marvel s Agent Carter, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones
You should watch 30 Rock because you already follow Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation, The Office US and Sherlock

theRecommender (Jun 01, 2015)

You should watch Vikings because you already follow The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The 100 and Game of Thrones
You should watch American Horror Story because you already follow Supernatural, Orphan Black and Breaking Bad
You should watch Suits because you already follow True Detective, Breaking Bad, Chuck, Game of Thrones and House of Cards 2013

theRecommender (May 03, 2015)

You should watch Doctor Who because you already follow Community, Breaking Bad, Sherlock, Game of Thrones and The X Files
You should watch Once Upon a Time because you already follow The 100, Sherlock, Heroes and Game of Thrones
You should watch Under the Dome because you already follow Chuck, The 100 and Heroes

theRecommender (Apr 04, 2015)

You should watch Band of Brothers because you already follow Community, The Wire, Sherlock, Heroes and Game of Thrones
You should watch Scrubs because you already follow Community, Supernatural, Futurama and Heroes
You should watch Fargo because you already follow True Detective, Community, The Office US and House of Cards 2013

theRecommender (Mar 04, 2015)

You should watch Misfits because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, The IT Crowd, Orphan Black
You should watch Modern Family because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Community, Supernatural, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones
You should watch Hannibal because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Dexter, Orphan Black, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones

theRecommender (Feb 02, 2015)

You should watch The Simpsons because you already follow Futurama, Heroes
You should watch Boardwalk Empire because you already follow Dexter, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Walking Dead
You should watch True Blood because you already follow Dexter, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Heroes, Game of Thrones

theRecommender (Jan 16, 2015)

You should watch The Flash because you already follow Gotham, Game of Thrones
You should watch Orange is the New Black because you already follow Orphan Black, Sherlock
You should watch Family Guy because you already follow Dexter, Breaking Bad, Futurama

theRecommender (Jan 02, 2015)

Hi there Zantanimus,
I am the Recommender and I have analyzed the viewing habbits of all the users. Now I am able to give you recommendations matching the series you love and follow.

You should watch Lost because you already follow Dexter, Fringe, Breaking Bad
You should watch Arrow because you already follow Marvel s Agents of S H I E L D, Game of Thrones
You should watch Prison Break because you already follow Dexter, Breaking Bad, Heroes

If you want to recieve new recommendations on a monthly basis you should add me as a friend and I'll keep you updated.

Zantanimus (Mar 13, 2014)

@az25 I might actually have to start commenting on everything I watch. Seems like a good way to get more writing practice.

az25 (Mar 13, 2014)

haha, thank you. although, I have to say, I'm not sure how much are shows I had already watched in years past before joining the site, I'll take it. And yeah, there are times when one word responses are fine, but I'd like to see people here talk a little bit more in-depth about why they like/dislike something.

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  • Join date Mar 08, 2013
