

Last logged in Jun 25, 2013
Total time wasted: 1 month, 9 days, 10 hours

Detailed overview

Show Time wasted
Arrested Development  1 day, 5 hours
Community  9 hours
Friends  4 days, 22 hours
Fringe  5 hours
Game of Thrones  15 hours
Gilmore Girls  6 days, 9 hours
Girls  10 hours
Grey's Anatomy  4 days, 6 hours
House  6 days, 10 hours
How I Met Your Mother  3 days, 20 hours
Prison Break  2 days, 9 hours
Six Feet Under  19 hours
Skins  9 hours
That '70s Show  4 days, 4 hours
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air  3 days, 2 hours