In the search for truth, there are certain questions that are not important. Of what material is the universe constructed? Is the universe eternal? Are there limits or not to the universe? What is the ideal form of organization for human society? If a man were to postpone his search for Enlightenment until such questions were solved, he would die before he found the path. QI explores the answers that are completely pointless but 'Quite Interesting'
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aired Sep 11, 2003
The episode dates are borked
This shows sometimes drags down. The entire Alan Davis buzzer fiasco gag for example is really badly played out.
I love this show more than I love coffee and chocolate.
@Lemon Could you lengthen some or all episodes to 45 minutes? The QI XL episodes are 15 minutes longer.
@digibron Do we see you in the audience shots of that episode? :)
LOVE QI. I was lucky enough to be in the studio audience for the taping of International (S09, E02)!