

This single-camera comedy tracks a couple named Sarah and Adam and her dog, Wilfred. The twist of the show then is while Sarah sees Wilfred as a scruffy dog, Adam sees him as a real person dressed in a dog costume with whom he quickly develops a grudge.

Jason Gann, the format's creator, will reprise the title role from the Aussie version and serve as a co-executive producer. Prospect Park's Rich Frank, Paul Frank and Jeff Kwatinetz will also serve as executive producers, as will Renegade's Joe Connor and Ken Conner.

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1x01 Happiness
aired Jun 24, 2011


Dmpstrbaby (Aug 16, 2014)

All of that for that ending. Meh...

GuillaumeVMaele (Aug 14, 2014)

Why did it have to end, such a great show :(

az25 (Jul 15, 2013)

@ArthasSama I guess, but Wilfred is seemingly an extension of Ryan, although it would be interesting to see this show explore whether one can exist without the other over a half, or full season.

@Bunbosik Okay, I know, a guy has a relationship with a talking dog, you might assume some slapsticky kind of stuff, right? This is better. It explores mental issues and illness so damn well, something many comedy shows (and even drama shows) would be scared shitless of even attempting to try, let alone do. Season 2 was brilliant in exploring the mind of Ryan.

ArthasSama (Jul 02, 2013)

The show is good, but without Wilfred would be better. I know, Wilfred is the main reason of the show, but I'm SO tired of him...

AyeMeL (Jun 25, 2013)

Someone should update the synopsis.

Sandrosaurus (Jun 19, 2013)

Are the ratings good nowadays?

Bonermaster (Nov 10, 2012)
Bunbosik (Sep 17, 2012)

It was a good show, until second season. Each episode is more boring than the previous one...

GuillaumeVMaele (Aug 24, 2012)

Really loving this show!

nielstaildeman (Jun 03, 2012)

Can't wait for s2!

johnbeton (Mar 08, 2012)

This is the most disturbing awesome show I have ever seen ! haha

al0a (Mar 04, 2012)

@area722 yeah there will be, in june or july!

pies (Feb 23, 2012)

I like it a lot.

area722 (Feb 18, 2012)

is there gone be a season 2? because i can't find really much :/

ryansinclairyo (Jan 29, 2012)

I can't wait for season 2!

nielstaildeman (Jan 23, 2012)

this is awesome

kakature (Aug 29, 2011)

Weird, it's not that good.

mimamo (Jun 26, 2011)

it looks really crazy, but i like it.

  • Currently 3.8/5 stars.
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  • 3.8 (144 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Ended
  • Premiered Jun 23, 2011
  • Genre Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
  • Country United States
  • Network FXX
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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  • Last Checked 15 hours ago
  • Last Updated 15 hours ago