Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz (Lost, Tron) invite you to a bold new vision of the world where fairytales and the modern day are about to collide.

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) knows how to take care of herself. She's a 28-year-old bail bonds collector who's been on her own ever since she was abandoned as a baby. But when the son she gave up years ago finds her, everything will change. Henry (Jared Gilmore) is 10 years old now and in desperate need of Emma's help. Henry believes that Emma actually comes from an alternate world ... and is Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) and Snow White's (Ginnifer Goodwin) missing daughter. According to his book of fairytales, they sent her away to protect her from the Evil Queen's (Lana Parrilla) curse, which trapped the fairytale world forever, frozen in time. Of course Emma doesn't believe a word, but when she brings Henry back to Storybrooke, she finds herself drawn to this unusual boy and his strange New England town. Concerned for Henry, she decides to stay for a while, but she soon suspects that Storybrooke is more than it seems. It's a place where magic has been forgotten, but is still powerfully close ... where fairytale characters are alive, even though they don't remember who they once were – including the Evil Queen who is now Henry's foster mother. The epic battle for the future of all worlds is beginning, but for good to win, Emma will have to accept her destiny and fight like hell.

Brace yourself for a modern fable with thrilling twists and hints of darkness. Brimming with wonder, and filled with the magic of our most beloved fairytales, Once Upon A Time is a fitting follow up to Lost from two master storytellers.

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1x01 Pilot
aired Oct 24, 2011


rafinha (Dec 22, 2019)

Its getting worse each episode. After season 4 ( which was little disapoited) this show lost everything that made it great

chachafance (May 22, 2018)

This show lost its way quite some time ago..... but the finale brought it back around for me. Very satisfying.

TomF (Dec 23, 2017)

Dropping this in season 5.. It's become such a bad and boring show.. Such a shame.

Mantrhax (Nov 03, 2017)

Nope, not going to happen... bye

jaythegreenling (Jun 07, 2017)

Please let it finally get cancelled.

b0sse (May 08, 2017)

The only reason to watch this cringy show is because of Robert Carlyle being a complete boss as Rumplestiltskin

kruiskamper (Dec 15, 2016)

Rumplestilltskinn is byfar my favorite character, he should get his own show!

Hush564 (Jul 08, 2016)

Watched up through season 3. Couldn't stand watching carbon-copy 'Disney Elsa'. Ugh. There are plenty of Snow Witch stories to choose from and it isn't like all the other characters are also from Disney as well. Smh. I'm positive that the only reason they did it was to get more money and piggy-back off of 'Frozen'. Unoriginal and I can't watch it.

Strikje (Nov 12, 2015)

I'm liking this new season, one of the best so far !
Edit: best season so far!


Seems lik the date are not so correct, easy link to follow airdates

Faithy (Oct 30, 2015)

Yeah where are the udates? Is followmy,tv dead????

mandyyporto (Oct 19, 2015)


Hell (Oct 12, 2015)

Why there are no updates?

zielona (Sep 30, 2015)

@jdk Thank you :)

jdk (Sep 29, 2015)

@zielona It's because tvrage is down: http://followmy.tv/blog/16/the-tvrage-situation
But there is a new episode every week on the same time like the first

zielona (Sep 29, 2015)

When they're planing to air next episode (s05e02)? Is it next week? There's no information here on followmy.tv.

CherryUp (Aug 27, 2015)

@Zamel They did look at the original fairy tail by putting in the snowqueen, although there's not much left from that story

bookaholic07 (Aug 22, 2015)

Is the 5 season the last one?

thms (May 11, 2015)

goodbye ugly

Artifex (Jan 12, 2015)

I quite love this show. Great to watch with the gf and fun to guess which fairytale everyone's from.

thewhiterabbit (Oct 19, 2014)

i love it <3

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  • Currently 4/5 stars.
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  • 4.0 (454 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Ended
  • Premiered Oct 23, 2011
  • Genre Fantasy, Adventure, Drama, Romance
  • Country United States
  • Network ABC
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


Followers (7996)

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  • Last Checked 2 hours ago
  • Last Updated 2 hours ago