"Catfish: The TV Show", based on the critically-acclaimed documentary film "Catfish", will focus on couples who have fallen in love online but have never met face-to-face. The series will follow filmmakers Yaniv "Nev" Schulman and Max Joseph on their quest around the country to tell the stories of these hopeful romantic partners. Each of the 12 hour-long episodes will be an emotional voyage to discover the truth about his or her significant other, with the journeys filled with mystery, surprises, and sometimes even shocking revelations.
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Sunny & Jamison
aired Nov 13, 2012
@TomF, @skinsislife I manually updated the thetvdb link and the two most recent shows have now been imported.
This occurs sometimes when TheTVDB decides to randomly change their primary ID's :/ I have to re-sync the entire show when this happens.
Already missing two episodes now.. This website sometimes..
@lemon, missing an episode again, pls update.
there are more episodes airing, please update!