CRACKED is a unique blend of a police and medical drama inspired by the real-life experiences of police officers and mental-health professionals. Detective Aidan Black, a seasoned police officer who transfers from the SWAT team after struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder, joins psychiatrist Dr. Daniella Ridley, who leaves her prominent position at a downtown hospital to partner with the police in a newly formed Psych Crimes Unit. Black and Ridley combine police investigative skills and psychiatric insight to resolve crises and solve crimes.
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aired Jan 09, 2013
Renewed for season 2 :)
A varied cast (poc, women, 'cracked' people...) and different/interesting cases. So far, I like, they just have to tread carefully with the various mental illnesses they are going to cover.
this is one of the most interesting new procedural's i've seen in a while. the cases, and the focus on specifically mental illnesses, as well as the main detective's issues, make this a very solid hour of tv. also, <3 Mayko Nguyen a lot.