FX's "Fargo", a 10-episode limited series inspired by the film, will follow an all-new "true crime" story. The series will follow a new case and new characters, all entrenched in the trademark humor, murder and "Minnesota nice" that has made the film an enduring classic.
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aired Apr 16, 2014
Season 5 is coming! It's been ages since the last episode...
The season is postponed indefinitely due to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. FX will announce a new premiere date once production resumes.
Good 3rd Season. Not as solid and exciting throughout as the 1st and 2nd. Not as many likeable characters, or scary characters. I still enjoyed it though.
airing april 19th! can't wait :-)
Carrie Coon is going to be in the third season <3
@benzos AWESOME! thanks for the news!
@aniforprez there will be a third season and some info about it is already confirmed but it won't air until 2017.
@saltzman oh yeah it definitely is. this one is wackier, more tense and more amazing characters than the first season
@aniforprez Is it? I've been waiting for it to end to start watching it in order to binge it like I did Season 1. I can't believe it's better than the previous one.
how is this second season so much better than the first? this show is insanely good! hope there's a third season!
@Franiel http://followmy.tv/blog/16/the-tvrage-situation
Why is the rest of S2 not on the calendar?
Fantastic first season, and cannot wait to see what the new season brings. Really hope they keep the same style and atmosphere.
@Teena I'm astonished! I also loved the first season cast (even though many of them I hadn't seen in very much before) but...you're right, they out did themselves! I actually watched the show before I watched the movie, and it became one of my favourite new shows and possibly my favourite movie. I hope we get years and years of this show!
@kenneththepage I'm a big fan of the movie, so that's why I started watching the show and I really like it. But, I didn't know the cast for season two until now..... Now it's official, I'm a major fan because of that cast! I thought the first season had a great cast, but the creators were apparently trying to out do themselves..... AND..... They totally succeeded! :D
This is why I love Netflix.
This gets into my top 5 most loved series
@Foaman YUP I'm blown away that he's in this I love it
@kenneththepage Ted Danson ?? YES YES YES
Been a huge fan of his ever since Becker (which I refer to as the original House)
Patrick Wilson, Kirsten Dunst, Ted Danson, Nick Offerman, Jesse Plemons, Jean Smart, Brad Garrett, Bokeem Woodbine, Kieran Culkin and Jeffrey Donovan are the cast for season two. Incredible.