Anthological television series that uses the boldest issues of our times as a jumping off point to tell singular, character-driven stories about the world we live in today.
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aired Sep 16, 2021
Anthological television series that uses the boldest issues of our times as a jumping off point to tell singular, character-driven stories about the world we live in today.
@ForgotMyLines that was fast! :) Thanks!
@Bristow Ok, cool. Give me a second. Let's see if I can update it.
Think that's done. Thanks for highlighting.
@ForgotMyLines well I have read some news, for example: the-premise-1847366393
@Bristow How sure? Most sites looks like it is called "The Premise", just IMDb making me not 100% sure.
I think that the real name of the show is "The premise", "Platform" is the original name