

As a total eclipse casts a shadow across the globe, a genetics professor, Mohinder Suresh, is motivated by his father’s mysterious disappearance to delve into his missing father’s secret theory – there are people with unique and special abilities among us.

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1x01 Genesis
aired Sep 26, 2006


Quetzalma (Feb 23, 2014)

@goessaertN finally <3
I wonder if any of the previous cast will return or if it'll be a totally new cast, I know that at least Hayden is busy with Nashville, but idk about the rest of the cast

WGenee (Jun 29, 2012)

Wasn't all that bad, I liked the concept of humans with powers. Unfortunately they weren't able to make the finales more spectacular or create more depth and finality in the characters.
Also it seems they have left some story lines open, even in earlier seasons things are just left to be.
Which is the main reason you cannot rate the show the full 5stars, throughout the episodes you just get the feeling you are missing some quality moments now and then.

josbeir (Mar 29, 2012)

just hope touch is going to be a bit better in the long term (its from the same creator)

Sandrosaurus (Mar 04, 2012)

Season 1 was the best and will stay the best.
Season 2 was stupid maybe because of the writerstrike?
Season 3 part 1 was awful phuuu barf...
Season 3 part 2 was okay I like the fugitive thingy
Season 4 the circus season was some kind of redemption...okay I guess

poeimoei (Dec 25, 2011)

The first season was definitly the best, but I still really liked the other 3. I never (series in general) see the lowpoints. I'm glad for that.

DarkReality (Dec 17, 2011)

I really liked this show the first time through, from exploring all the different powers, to peeling back the layers of conspiracy. I tried to go through it a second time, however, and the replay value was so close to zero I just gave up for a while, but I finished the first season because it was decent. Seasons 3 and 4 had their moments, but Season 2 was the definitive low point, so I stopped there. No debate, just throwing that out there.

klad1991 (Aug 21, 2011)

@josbeir "NBC announced Heroes' cancellation on May 14, 2010" source: Wikipedia

josbeir (Mar 20, 2011)

@Frado it didn't got canceled.. it just ended (unsatisfying ending i might at...)

Lokatius (Mar 08, 2011)

Wasted 3 Days of my life with this. First Season was great though.

volcanoday (Feb 24, 2011)

I tried very hard with this show. I really wanted it to be good but I waould always find it boring.

Frado (Feb 24, 2011)

it started to suck at season 3. Good thing it got cancelled

Vapura (Feb 01, 2011)

Same here, first 2 seasons were great. Gonna try to pick up now ..

c91329 (Jan 06, 2011)

Pretty awesome show

PFXX (Sep 11, 2010)

same feeling over here

Zeal (Aug 09, 2010)

Same story here, seen 1/2 and kinda burned out.

It's so hard to pick up where you left.

Lemon (Aug 09, 2010)

Still have to watch 36 episodes but i dont really like the show. First seasons were ok though.

minimaL (Aug 06, 2010)

Season 1-2 : 4 stars
Season 3-4 : 2 stars

  • Currently 3.4/5 stars.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 3.4 (551 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Ended
  • Premiered Sep 25, 2006
  • Genre Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Thriller
  • Country United States
  • Network NBC
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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  • Last Checked 6 hours ago
  • Last Updated 6 hours ago