

Last logged in Sep 12, 2013
Total time wasted: 26 days, 19 hours, 40 minutes

Detailed overview

Show Time wasted
Band of Brothers  10 hours
Boardwalk Empire  1 day, 12 hours
Breaking Bad  2 days, 11 hours
Brotherhood  1 day, 5 hours
Curb Your Enthusiasm  1 day, 16 hours
Dexter  3 days, 23 hours
Matroesjka's  16 hours, 40 minutes
Oz  2 days, 8 hours
Penoza  15 hours
Romanzo criminale  22 hours
Shameless  5 days, 18 hours
Sons of Anarchy  2 days, 19 hours
The Wire  2 days, 12 hours