

Last logged in May 25, 2015
Total time wasted: 18 days, 21 hours, 45 minutes

Detailed overview

Show Time wasted
Adventure Time  1 day, 20 hours, 15 minutes
Archer  1 day, 7 hours
Avatar: The Last Airbender  1 day, 7 hours
BoJack Horseman  6 hours
Brooklyn Nine-Nine  15 hours, 30 minutes
Elementary  2 days, 10 hours
Gotham  10 hours
How I Met Your Mother  4 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  1 day, 6 hours
Modern Family  2 days, 16 hours, 30 minutes
New Girl  3 hours
Rick and Morty  5 hours, 30 minutes
Sherlock  13 hours, 30 minutes
The Flash  7 hours
The Legend of Korra  1 day, 4 hours