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Supernatural - 9x11 First Born

First Born

Looking to reclaim his place as King of Hell, Crowley asks Dean for help finding "The First Blade," the only blade that can kill Abbadon. Knowing he owes Crowley a favor for helping Sam, and also wanting Abaddon dead himself, Dean reluctantly agrees and the two set off on a road trip. However, Dean and Crowley are completely unprepared when they find out who has the blade - Cain, the first son. Meanwhile, Sam is back at the bunker with Castiel who notices there is some leftover grace inside Sam. If they can extract it, they can use the grace to track Gadreel. The only problem is the procedure may do permanent damage to Sam.


BertDenolf (Apr 19, 2017)

The Golden trio

emonquente (Jan 27, 2014)

I dunno man -- there's good bits that keep me watching, but the show's been just...insane, for a long time. What I want -- the end. I just want the end. On the one hand, I think this set-up might actually have the best end of any since the first plotline -- but I am just so tired of waiting for it to come. End dammit. I want a proper end. This show needs one.

Zantanimus (Jan 27, 2014)

@az25 My problem with S7 is the fact that it didn't really amount to anything, aside from introducing Charlie, easily one of the best recurring characters on the show, and killing off Bobby. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on it though, because it really wasn't that engaging for me.

az25 (Jan 27, 2014)

@Zantanimus You know what's funny about that season 7? (I agree with you on everything, btw). I think it may have been my favourite. Yeah, it felt like filler-fest, but this show needed that, at least for me. It's been a Sam and Dean fest for every episode, Jared and Jensen work harder than any other television actors because the show is essentially them two, with the occasional guest and/or recurring actor (Bobby, etc.), but they are the only two truely main cast members. If you can imagine, say, James Roday and Dule Hill from Psych working 10-12 hours a day, I'd say these 2 probably work closer to 12-14, and every scene revolves around them! It's crazy if you give it some thought, and if this makes any sense, I think season 7 was like a bit of a mental break for them. And it's so impressive that season 8 and 9 have been this good, and clearly Jared and Jens bring that intensity every episode. That's super hard to do working 8 or 9 years at any old job, let alone a show that treads the same ground every year.

Artifex (Jan 26, 2014)

I can never look at Lassiter from Psych the same way now. Didn't expect him to pull a character like this off.

Valanakin (Jan 26, 2014)

@verd yes, indeed. And still they're surrounded by male characters or "evil bitches"...

verd (Jan 25, 2014)

@Valanakin every character in this show except Sam and Dean seems to have to die

Sandrosaurus (Jan 22, 2014)

You're good, but I'm Crowley!

Valanakin (Jan 22, 2014)

Only issue: every female character in this show seems to have to die.

Zantanimus (Jan 22, 2014)

Simply a sublime episode- even while retreading old ground (the Winchesters ALWAYS split up) we still manage to get something new, interesting, and engaging. Supernatural at its finest, with throwbacks to biblical references galore.

I really appreciate what the writing team both last season and this one have done- managing to bring back the show from the dead after two back to back seasons which were rather lackluster to be honest. 8 and now 9 have more than made up for the filler-fest that was season 7. I'm definitely interested to see where the journey scribed by Chuck, the one true god takes us.

  • Currently 4.3/5 stars.
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  • 4.3 (206 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Aired Jan 21, 2014
  • Episode 9x11
  • Show special No


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