Mad Men is a smart and cinematic drama about the professional lives, social mores and sexual exploits of advertising executives on Madison Avenue circa 1960, when the industry was at its height of glamour, power, and prestige. The setting is the Sterling Cooper agency, which sells everything from cigarettes to political candidates. The protagonist, Don Draper (John Hamm), is a fast-rising creative director whose smooth exterior conceals any number of secrets.
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aired Jul 20, 2007
watched it in less than 3 months
top5 show without any doubt
best season the 4th despite the confusing 1st ep
less best season the 7th
no filler eps
Well, I followed through with the show, I ended up really enjoying it. I wouldn't say it was one of my all time favorites, but I can see why it is held up as one of the best. It was beautifully made, and acted.
Season 1 was a struggle. Final episode was the only good one. Season 2, was pretty much the same.
really miss mad men
@Cruysberghs i think it's 54 minutes, which is a little extra! Not enough, but something...
Please tell me the last episode is going to be extra long... I'm not ready.
I couldn't get into Mad Men the first 2 times I attempted to watch it but I'm really enjoying it now!
Is this show ever going to have a "Riker's beard" moment or is it pretty much the same all the time? I watched around 20 episodes, waiting for something substantial to happen, and I'm thinking of giving up...
'Mad Men' final season, 14 episodes, to air in 2 parts in 2014, 2015. -season-two-halves-20130917,0,1564180.story
With all these split seasons and spin-offs, it seems AMC is really desperate to keep their hit shows on air.
Just the best show on air now.
@aniforprez lol, i guess.. bit strange though.. suddenly going balls deep in that episode
@BlackDynamite LOL. that happened in a few weeks i guess. she had the determination. even at the beginning of the season she looked better than before.
@gieltjegitaar i guess this isn't a show for everyone and that's perfectly ok. i can imagine how he pitch meeting went for this show "a show about the lives of a bunch of people..." *murmur about being a boring concept* "... in the 60s" YAYYY it's sold!
but in all seriousness, it isn't just the superb but incredibly simple plot that takes the show forward. it's also the brilliant directing, the excellent acting and the feel of this entirely different world, so different from our present day. it's a more serious, slow series so if you're not into that, it most certainly will not entertain you.
@gieltjegitaar couldn't be explained better, totally agree. You love it or you hate it.
@az25 If you don't like the show by mid-season 2, you're not going to like it further on. The show, while continually getting better and better, carries on the same way throughout all the seasons. I guess it's down to personal taste if you like that or not. I wouldn't force yourself to keep watching as it would ruin the experience imo.
Sorry, I'm not a good pitcher :p
How come Betty went from fat Betty to skinny Betty in 1 episode?.. did I missed something?
Can someone do a good sell job on this show for me? I've heard all the hype, read a bit of random re-capping of episodes that sound really awesome, but I tried so hard getting into this show, finally having to give it up mid-way through the 2nd season because it started to grind to a halt for me.
Can someone give me and others a Don Draper-esque pitch on the reasons why we should come back to Mad Men?
This show is only getting better and better!
Just give me season 6 already!
this series is fantastic. there are so many little things, subtle signs of underlying emotions that really pulled me into the show. 4 seasons and i cant wait to get my hands on the 5th season
Mad Men rocks! Season 4 is fantastic. Good performances all around, pretty females , a good story etc.