The Walking Dead tells the story of the months and years that follow after a zombie apocalypse. It follows a group of survivors, led by police officer Rick Grimes, who travel in search of a safe and secure home.
The Walking Dead is based upon the comic book series of the same name by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard.
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Days Gone Bye
aired Nov 01, 2010
Somehow I made it to 2022 without watching a second of it... Time to change that :)
"the series will officially be ending in 2022"
what a crap 8th season
@MrLoch Hahaha!!! Nicely said.
A guy lies underneath a dead body which is being ripped apart by twenty-or-so zombies. He survives by casually sliding underneath the conveniently placed dumpster right next to him. A villain driving shotgun in a getaway truck casually flips off a dozen people as they are emptying their assault rifles into his vehicle. He makes it out without a scratch.
If this kind of bullcrap doesn't bother you then this is the show for you.
@Lucyloo Season 7 is the best season in years. Finally, shit is going down.
Too violent. Too nilistic.
I really like the series walking-dead
Where are the episodes?
@owadel I think there is problem with more show, not only TWD
Something's wrong with the episodes!
Hi, where are new episodes? :)
I am so excited for Season SIX!
I never thought I'd like this kind of show this much.
The Walking Dead: Season Six Debuts October 11th with Super-Sized Episode
I get that this season was a moment of "passage", but it was a total waste of time, they could have done three, THREE episode to describe all the events. They better do a great next season.
@BRIKZ You can make up that fake argument about it being a fake argument but your argument doesn't make any sense. In my circle of friends we can't wait to talk about an episode when it has ended. And also: The Walking Dead has always been about social commentary first, action second. I don't know what show you've been watching.
This is pretty much the only series ever I'm hoping for nearly every single character to not get out of it alive.