The planet Caprica is the cultural, economic, political, educational, and technological centre of the Twelve Colonies. However, this world is also rotting. Plagued with decadence and crime, the people of Caprica are unaware of the storm brewing in the form of the creation of the Cylons, a robotic life-form that is destined to rebel and eventually destroy the Twelve Colonies.
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aired Jan 23, 2010
absolutely deserved another season whyyy must good things end so quickly
It was about to become a great show...
The final episodes redeemed Caprica, IMO. Like Aiii, I am sad to see Caprica go after getting a taste of Season 2. I'm sure we can look forward to more excellent "SyFy" programming like "HippopottoMoose" or "Rhinoraptor". Better yet, some reality TV. There just isn't enough of that on television anymore.
After seeing the finale I am pleased with the ending they chose. However, seeing what we miss out on in what would have been season 2 is quite sad. That would have been an awesome origins story for BSG and the upcoming Bill Adama prequel. Such a shame Syfy killed this show instead of putting in extra effort to boost ratings instead. :(
Space TV will air the remaining episodes, ep 14 & 15 already aired, the rest will follow shortly.. :)
@aliissa I'm kinda in the same boat. But the last episodes were better though. Shame it got cancelled.
slow..slow..slow. Not sure what to think of this show anymore. Every episode I watch, tell myself this is the last one but then in my faithfulness to the great BSG Epic show, I keep going.
@linker Lets hope they give the story a good ending.
Cancelled :(
Great show, I hope it doesn't jump the shark like BSG. Way different than I thought it would be.
BREAKING NEWS! The fans spoke and Syfy answered: Caprica WILL RETURN 3 MONTHS EARLY, airing Tuesday nights at 10p starting October 5th!
goed nieuws dus :)
@eXorikos same here :)
@Lemon yeah, although i find it good i still hope something more is going to happen than in the first 10 episodes...
I stopped following after 3 episodes... Maybe I'll pick it up later.
Damn mid season breaks :(. Next episode will be in oktober / november. SOooo looong :(