Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's genre-defining film, "Psycho," this film intends to give viewers an intimate understanding of how Norman Bates' psyche developed from his childhood through his teen years. Fans will have access to the dark, twisted backstory and learn first hand how his mother, Norma, and her lover damaged Norman, helping forge the most well-known serial killing motel owner in history.
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aired Mar 19, 2013
This last season is awesome... one of my favorite shows!
Just finished the show. Loved it from start to finish.
Watched S01 pretty fast on Netflix, S02 was not available on Netflix. Had to find a faster solution than waiting for Netflix.. can't wait for the third season!
Btw, that would be a nice feature on the website. To see if it's available on Netflix or such.
Loved it! Second season was absolutely amazing, can't wait for the third season to start.
This is amazing.
Kinda actionless first season, very promising finale. I really hope they'll use its full potential.
Very good first season ! Up to the second !
Loved this first season! Looking forward for the next one
Kinda of interesting...
@BertDenolf Great news!
Renewed for season 2:
Very promising & exciting + quite dark atmosphere surrounding trhe story!