Charlie Rose Season 13

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13x01 FRIEDMAN / KRUGMAN aired Sep 15, 2003

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13x02 ABDULLAH / CA RECALL DELAYED aired Sep 16, 2003

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13x03 GRASSO RESIGNS FROM NYSE / ALBRIGHT aired Sep 17, 2003

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13x04 S. COPPOLA / “SECONDHAND LIONS” aired Sep 18, 2003

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13x05 CLARK CANDIDACY / MIDDLE EAST aired Sep 19, 2003

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13x06 COLIN POWELL aired Sep 22, 2003

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13x07 BUSH AT THE U.N. / AZNAR aired Sep 23, 2003

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13x08 SCHROEDER / SHALOM aired Sep 24, 2003

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13x09 KHARRAZI / TOLEDO aired Sep 25, 2003

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13x10 JEFFREY IMMELT aired Sep 26, 2003

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13x11 PLIMPTON REMEMBERED aired Sep 29, 2003

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13x12 MAHER / S. MARTIN aired Sep 30, 2003

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13x13 MATHEWS & SACHS aired Oct 01, 2003

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13x14 BARENBOIM / D. MATTHEWS aired Oct 02, 2003

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13x16 WEISSMAN / “INTOLERABLE CRUELTY” aired Oct 06, 2003

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13x17 MCCARVER / M. SMITH / LEMONICK aired Oct 07, 2003

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13x18 HALPERIN / EASTWOOD aired Oct 08, 2003

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13x19 JACK WELCH / GAIL COLLINS aired Oct 09, 2003

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13x20 SANGER & HOAGLAND / DREIER / THURMAN aired Oct 10, 2003

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13x21 TIM ROBBINS aired Oct 13, 2003

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13x22 LANCE ARMSTRONG aired Oct 14, 2003

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13x23 BRANSON / DIDION / BERMAN aired Oct 15, 2003

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13x24 PLEUGER / BIDEN & HAGEL / NICOLELIS / MA aired Oct 16, 2003

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13x25 WORLD SERIES PREVIEW / RATTLE aired Oct 17, 2003

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13x26 PARRY / KRISTOF aired Oct 20, 2003

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13x27 N. KOREA PANEL / “IN THE CUT” aired Oct 21, 2003

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13x28 SCHELL / “ELEPHANT” aired Oct 22, 2003

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13x29 TUROW / DOWNEY / IZZARD aired Oct 23, 2003

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13x30 JOLIE / PETERSEN / OZ aired Oct 24, 2003

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13x31 KERRY / SUTHERLAND aired Oct 27, 2003

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13x32 MER / O’REILLY aired Oct 28, 2003

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13x33 R.E.M. / LAHIRI aired Oct 29, 2003

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13x34 RICE / WOLFENSOHN aired Oct 30, 2003

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13x35 LESLIE MOONVES aired Oct 31, 2003

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13x36 ABC-TIME REPORT ON IRAQ / MAKIYA / GREENE aired Nov 03, 2003

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13x37 ANDERSON / KEEGAN aired Nov 04, 2003

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13x38 KASPAROV / MAAZEL aired Nov 05, 2003

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13x39 VERSHBOW / MAILER aired Nov 06, 2003

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13x40 “LOVE ACTUALLY” / LORIA aired Nov 07, 2003

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13x41 STIGLITZ / BOCHCO aired Nov 10, 2003

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13x42 “THE FOG OF WAR” aired Nov 11, 2003

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13x43 CHURCHILL / SHILLER / MANN aired Nov 12, 2003

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13x44 AJAMI & RIEFF / FLECK aired Nov 13, 2003

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13x45 MEACHAM / PAULEY / PRICE aired Nov 14, 2003

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13x46 JIMMY CARTER aired Nov 17, 2003

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13x47 AMIS / VIDAL aired Nov 18, 2003

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13x48 ROBERT RUBIN aired Nov 19, 2003

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13x49 NOAM CHOMSKY aired Nov 20, 2003

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13x50 MEACHAM / MORRISON aired Nov 21, 2003

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13x51 COHEN / WILLS / BENTON aired Nov 24, 2003

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13x52 JOHN BURNS aired Nov 25, 2003

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13x53 RON HOWARD aired Nov 26, 2003

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13x54 BLEIER / MATTHEWS (FROM 10/2/03) / BUCKINGHAM (FROM 9/3/03) aired Nov 27, 2003

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13x55 REES / KAHN aired Nov 28, 2003

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13x56 Nicholas Kristof; Luca Cordero di Montezemolo; Will Ferrell aired Dec 01, 2003

In honor of World AIDS Day, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof paints a bleak picture of the AIDS epidemic, which continues to infect 5 million people... read more

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13x57 DASCHLE / HUGHES aired Dec 02, 2003

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13x58 PEARL-NOMANI-LEVY / GELB-RICH aired Dec 03, 2003

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13x59 KHALDI & FRIEDMAN / BEILIN & RABBO aired Dec 04, 2003

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13x60 LEVY / JACKMAN / FLEMING aired Dec 05, 2003

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13x61 IRAQI INSURGENCY / SCHNABEL aired Dec 08, 2003

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13x62 COELHO / MATTHIESSEN / “BIG FISH” aired Dec 09, 2003

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13x63 BIDEN / PLAYBOY aired Dec 10, 2003

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13x64 CLYBURN / “SOMETHING’S GOTTA GIVE” / GOLDMAN aired Dec 11, 2003

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13x65 SHALOM / JOHANSSON aired Dec 12, 2003

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13x66 HUSSEIN CAPTURED aired Dec 15, 2003

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13x67 HUSSEIN CAPTURED / KUSHNER aired Dec 16, 2003

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13x68 HUSSEIN INTERROGATION / “HOUSE OF SAND & FOG” aired Dec 17, 2003

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13x69 SHERIDAN / HAWK aired Dec 18, 2003

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13x70 WATTS / “21 GRAMS” aired Dec 19, 2003

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13x71 WTC SITE DESIGN / VINOLY aired Dec 22, 2003

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13x72 “COLD MOUNTAIN” aired Dec 23, 2003

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13x73 MORRISON (FROM 11/21/03) / LAHIRI (FROM 10/29/03) aired Dec 24, 2003

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13x74 CHRISTMAS PANEL (FROM 12/24/99) aired Dec 25, 2003

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13x75 EASTWOOD (FROM 10/8/03) / BACON aired Dec 26, 2003

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13x76 MARANISS / “FOG OF WAR” (FROM 11/11/03) aired Dec 29, 2003

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13x77 BLANCHETT / HUPPERT / LANE aired Dec 30, 2003

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13x78 RATTLE (FROM 10/17/03) / FLEMING (FROM 12/5/03) / PAVAROTTI (FROM 10/3/03) aired Dec 31, 2003

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13x79 ROBINSON / BING / BART / BALAKIAN aired Jan 01, 2004

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13x80 ALAN GREENBERG aired Jan 02, 2004

Alan C. "Ace" Greenberg, Chairman Of The Executive Committee, The Bear Stearns Companies, Inc.

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13x81 MARS ROVER / HOWARD DEAN CAMPAIGN aired Jan 05, 2004

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13x82 PETE ROSE PANEL / MEKDAD aired Jan 06, 2004

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13x83 PERL & FRUM aired Jan 07, 2004

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13x84 ALBRIGHT / “MONSTER” aired Jan 08, 2004

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13x85 “THE LORD OF THE RINGS” / BALDWIN aired Jan 09, 2004

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13x86 HUMAN SEXUALITY aired Jan 12, 2004

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13x87 FRANKEN / DENBY aired Jan 13, 2004

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13x88 SHARPTON / PAKISTAN PANEL / MOORE aired Jan 14, 2004

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13x89 SOROS / MOORE (FROM 1/14/03) aired Jan 15, 2004

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13x91 IOWA CAUCUS - LIVE aired Jan 19, 2004

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13x92 STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS - LIVE aired Jan 20, 2004

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13x93 FELDMAN / POWER aired Jan 21, 2004

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13x94 ROMARE BEARDEN aired Jan 22, 2004

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13x95 TALESE / THE L WORD aired Jan 23, 2004

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13x101 WMD INTELLIGENCE / GEOANA / CALATRAVA aired Feb 02, 2004

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13x102 SOUTH CAROLINA PRIMAY - LIVE aired Feb 03, 2004

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13x103 CLAUDE BÉBÉAR aired Feb 04, 2004

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13x104 BRZEZINSKI / GERECHT / E. EDWARDS aired Feb 05, 2004

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13x105 PETER JACKSON aired Feb 06, 2004

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13x107 JEHL / BARRYMORE / BERTOLUCCI aired Feb 10, 2004

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13x109 EBYRO CLONING / GEN. CLARK / GILLESPIE aired Feb 12, 2004

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13x110 COHEN & VIEIRA / KLOSE aired Feb 13, 2004

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13x111 PHILIP / PALESTINIAN MEDIA / MUNK aired Feb 16, 2004

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13x112 HOGE / TIME: INFLAMMATION / CHRSITENSEN aired Feb 17, 2004

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13x116 KLEIN / BRILL / TIME: “OUTSOURCING” aired Feb 23, 2004

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13x117 SNOW / RIDGE aired Feb 24, 2004

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13x119 MENDES / J. MILLER aired Feb 26, 2004

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13x120 SAAKASHVILI / WOOD aired Feb 27, 2004

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13x121 ARISTIDE LEAVES HAITI / GEN. PETRAEUS aired Mar 01, 2004

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13x122 SUPER TUESDAY - LIVE aired Mar 02, 2004

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13x123 BILL GATES aired Mar 03, 2004

Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft / Chief Software Architect, Microsoft

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13x124 PATTEN / SMITH / AUSTER aired Mar 04, 2004

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13x125 MARTHA STEWART PANEL / COLL / KOLBELL aired Mar 05, 2004

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13x126 WELCH & WETLAUFER aired Mar 08, 2004

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13x127 TIME – IRAQ 1 YEAR LATER / CALHOUN aired Mar 09, 2004

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13x129 WILLIAM REHNQUIST aired Mar 11, 2004

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13x130 COLOMBANI & WELLS / KILMER aired Mar 12, 2004

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13x131 MADRID TERRORIST ATTACKS / BROAD aired Mar 15, 2004

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13x132 TIME-ABC ON IRAQ / TUTU aired Mar 16, 2004

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13x133 BAGHDAD BOMBING / SPITZER / ALTERMAN & GREEN aired Mar 17, 2004

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13x134 AJAMI / “TAKING LIVES” / INDIGO GIRLS aired Mar 18, 2004

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13x135 KISSINGER & SUMMERS / LIPTON aired Mar 19, 2004

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13x136 CLARKE / KHALIDI aired Mar 22, 2004

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13x137 SHALOM / RUBENSTEIN aired Mar 23, 2004

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13x138 TIME – 9/11 COMMISSION / PERLE / MCWETHY aired Mar 24, 2004

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13x139 GIULIANI / NEWSOM aired Mar 25, 2004

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13x140 POLITICS – WEEK IN REVIEW / KAUFMAN aired Mar 26, 2004

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13x141 9/11 COMMISSION / “GHOSTS OF RWANDA” aired Mar 29, 2004

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13x142 KAREN HUGHES aired Mar 30, 2004

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13x143 150 YEARS OF US-JAPAN RELATIONS aired Mar 31, 2004

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13x144 9-11 COMMISSION / “AMERICAN FAMILY” aired Apr 01, 2004

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13x145 FALLUJAH / TYCO / “THE ROCK” aired Apr 02, 2004

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13x146 BIDEN / BURNS / CORDESMAN aired Apr 05, 2004

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13x147 SHADID / CARROLL / STOPPARD aired Apr 06, 2004

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13x148 JOHN BURNS / MARSALIS / OSGOOD aired Apr 07, 2004

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13x149 9/11 COMMISSION – CONDI RICE 2 / 9/11 COMMISSION / VANITY FAIR PANEL aired Apr 08, 2004

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13x150 AIDS / JESUS PANEL / ROSSELLINI aired Apr 09, 2004

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13x151 9/11 COMMISSION / ROCK aired Apr 12, 2004

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13x152 BUSH PRESS CONFERENCE / OIL FOR FOOD aired Apr 13, 2004

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13x153 MUBARAK / STONE aired Apr 14, 2004

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13x155 BEN-VENISTE / SWINTON aired Apr 16, 2004

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13x156 BURNS / MCCAIN aired Apr 19, 2004

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13x157 BOB WOODWARD aired Apr 20, 2004

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13x158 “GAUGUIN – TAHITI” aired Apr 21, 2004

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13x159 QUENTIN TARANTINO aired Apr 22, 2004

Quentin Tarantino, Filmmaker; Career montage, trailer and 3 clips from “Kill Bill Vol. 2” [Miramax], trunk montage, clip from “Alias” & 1 clip of Uma Thurman... read more

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13x160 BIN JASSIM JABR AL THANI / “MAN ON FIRE” aired Apr 23, 2004

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13x161 PRINCE SAUD AL-FAISAL aired Apr 26, 2004

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13x162 BURNS / LEWIS / “MEAN GIRLS” aired Apr 27, 2004

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13x163 IGNATIEFF / CHAPELLE / BARTOLI aired Apr 28, 2004

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13x164 THE WAR ON CANCER / OBESITY aired Apr 29, 2004

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13x165 MICHAEL PORTER aired Apr 30, 2004

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13x166 ABU GHRAIB PANEL / LELLOUCHE / ROBERTS aired May 03, 2004

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13x167 AL-GAILANI / WILSON aired May 04, 2004

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13x169 LEE RAYMOND aired May 06, 2004

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13x170 MARTIN & DUFFY / HUNTER / RANGEL / BAYH aired May 07, 2004

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13x171 TIM RUSSERT aired May 10, 2004

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13x172 BAYH / IRAQI PRISON PANEL / VELOSO aired May 11, 2004

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13x173 KHALIDI / GOPNIK aired May 12, 2004

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13x174 PITT / BISKIND aired May 13, 2004

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13x175 SACHS / IRAQ UPDATE / VOLCKER & TREASTER aired May 14, 2004

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13x176 HERSH / CALIFANO JR. aired May 17, 2004

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13x177 CASTANEDA / RABINOVICH / BILHUBER aired May 18, 2004

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13x178 HENRY PAULSON, JR aired May 19, 2004

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13x179 ANDERSON / KIRSCHNER / TREASTER / VOLCKER aired May 20, 2004

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13x180 BOB WOODWARD aired May 21, 2004

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13x181 BUSH SPEECH / SNOW & BROWN aired May 24, 2004

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13x182 CLANCY & ZINNI aired May 25, 2004

Tom Clancy, Author, “Battle Ready” [Putnam]; General Anthony Zinni, U.S. Marine Corps (retired).

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13x183 STANLEY HOFFMANN / TREY ANASTASIO aired May 26, 2004

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13x184 TOM RIDGE aired May 27, 2004

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13x185 TONY KUSHNER aired May 28, 2004

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13x186 MONTEFIORE / ANASTASIO / LEWIS aired May 31, 2004

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13x187 RICHARD HOLBROOKE / CRAIG INGER aired Jun 01, 2004

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13x188 THOMAS FRIEDMAN aired Jun 02, 2004

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13x189 BERGER & HAGEL / SANGER / WURMAN aired Jun 03, 2004

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13x190 MUHAMMAD YUNUS aired Jun 04, 2004

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13x191 RONALD REAGAN TRIBUTE aired Jun 07, 2004

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13x192 REMEMBERING RONALD REAGAN aired Jun 08, 2004

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13x193 WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY JR. aired Jun 09, 2004

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13x194 REAGAN PANEL aired Jun 10, 2004

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13x195 REAGAN PANEL aired Jun 11, 2004

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13x196 RAY CHARLES PANEL / CUARON aired Jun 14, 2004

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13x197 ELECTION 2004 / GOAT aired Jun 15, 2004

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13x198 BEN-VENISTE / STEWART aired Jun 16, 2004

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13x199 WOLF / BRONFMAN / THURMAN aired Jun 17, 2004

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13x200 ROSS / FATTAH / “CONTROL ROOM” aired Jun 18, 2004

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13x201 MICHAEL DUFFY / NETANYAHU / “DE-LOVELY” aired Jun 21, 2004

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13x202 CANADA / ANTI-SEMITISM PANEL / GROOPMAN aired Jun 22, 2004

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13x203 BILL CLINTON aired Jun 23, 2004

Bill Clinton, Former President of the United States, Author, “My Life”.

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13x204 SUDAN PANEL / LEVY aired Jun 24, 2004

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13x205 LAKHDAR BRAHIMI aired Jun 25, 2004

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13x206 GETTLEMAN / WRIGHT / EICHENWALD aired Jun 28, 2004

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13x207 BURNS / FILKINS / KISSINGER aired Jun 29, 2004

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13x208 AMANPOUR / THE NEWSOMS / NELSON aired Jun 30, 2004

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13x209 MOORE / KIPPER / ANDERSON aired Jul 01, 2004

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13x210 (BRANDO REMEMBERED) PENN / SCHICKEL & SCOTT aired Jul 02, 2004

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13x211 ISAACSON / ELLIS / MCCULLOUGH aired Jul 05, 2004

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13x212 KERRY & EDWARDS PANEL / MOORE PART II aired Jul 06, 2004

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13x213 KERRY & EDWARDS PANEL / FERRELL aired Jul 07, 2004

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13x214 KEN LAY PANEL / PAHLAVI aired Jul 08, 2004

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13x215 MAURICE LEVY aired Jul 09, 2004

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13x216 COHEN & BARBER & BREMMER / MOVEON.ORG PANEL aired Jul 12, 2004

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13x217 GUNARATNA / SUMMER MOVIE PANEL aired Jul 13, 2004

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13x218 THOMAS FRANK / BRIAN COX aired Jul 14, 2004

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13x219 PETERSON / RUBENSTEIN aired Jul 15, 2004

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13x220 POWELL / MARTHA STEWART VERDICT aired Jul 16, 2004

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13x221 BRZEZINSKI / NASTASE / LEE aired Jul 19, 2004

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13x222 “ANONYMOUS” / NARDELLI aired Jul 20, 2004

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13x223 RAMOS / ROTHMAN / LESSIG aired Jul 21, 2004

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13x224 9/11 COMMISSION UPDATE X 2 / JEFFREY GETTLEMAN aired Jul 22, 2004

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13x225 ONE HOUR TED TURNER SPECIAL aired Jul 23, 2004

Ted Turner, Founder, Turner Broadcasting, Director, Time Warner Inc.

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13x226 DNC / BYRD aired Jul 26, 2004

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13x228 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION – LIVE (Via Boston) aired Jul 28, 2004

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13x229 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION – LIVE (via Boston) aired Jul 29, 2004

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13x230 “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” / “I AM MY OWN WIFE” aired Jul 30, 2004

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13x231 TED TURNER (FROM 7/23/04) aired Aug 02, 2004

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13x232 “GARDEN STATE PANEL” / MACCIONI & ELLIOT aired Aug 03, 2004

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13x233 SCHICKEL / BEFFA / BAIR aired Aug 04, 2004

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13x234 HENRI CARTIER BRESSON OBITUARY (FROM 7/6/00) aired Aug 05, 2004

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13x235 ANASTASIO (FROM 5/26/04 & 5/31/04) / SCHWARTZ aired Aug 06, 2004

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13x236 “THE FOG OF WAR” (FROM 11/11/03) aired Aug 09, 2004

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13x237 JAPAN SPECIAL (FROM 3/31/04) aired Aug 10, 2004

Peter Peterson, Chairman, The Blackstone Group, Former Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Ryozo Kato, Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.; Howard Bake... read more

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13x238 MICHAEL MOORE (FROM 7/6/04 & 7/1/04) aired Aug 11, 2004

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13x239 MICHAEL PORTER (FROM 4/30/04) aired Aug 12, 2004

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13x240 BRAD PITT (FROM 5/13/04) aired Aug 13, 2004

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13x241 BURNS / BUCKLEY aired Aug 16, 2004

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13x242 ROSS / HART aired Aug 17, 2004

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13x243 LANCE ARMSTRONG aired Aug 18, 2004

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13x244 SCHWARTZ (FROM 6/8/04) / LIPTON (FROM 3/19/04) aired Aug 19, 2004

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13x245 BIDEN / GREENWALD / WOOLSEY & MCGOVERN aired Aug 20, 2004

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13x246 NAGOURNEY / BURNS / HAMBRECHT aired Aug 23, 2004

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13x247 ALLISON / COOPER aired Aug 24, 2004

Graham Allison, Author, “Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe” [Publisher: Times Books] /// Anderson Cooper, Host, “Anderson Cooper 360”. read more

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13x248 SUDAN PANEL / LARRY DIAMOND aired Aug 25, 2004

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13x249 BURNS / SUSAN BUFFETT OBIT aired Aug 26, 2004

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13x250 MAUREEN DOWD aired Aug 27, 2004

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13x251 RNC - LIVE aired Aug 30, 2004

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13x252 RNC - LIVE aired Aug 31, 2004

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13x253 RNC - LIVE aired Sep 01, 2004

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13x254 RNC - LIVE aired Sep 02, 2004

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13x255 TRIPP / REILLY / LUNA aired Sep 03, 2004

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13x256 “THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION” / RYDER CUP aired Sep 06, 2004

Morgan Freeman, Actor; Tim Robbins, Actor; Frank Darabont, Director /// Hal Sutton, Captain, U.S. Ryder Cup

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13x257 RUSSIA / COSGROVE / BOLLITTIERI aired Sep 07, 2004

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13x258 FILKINS/ CHAMBERS aired Sep 08, 2004

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13x259 GEORGE LUCAS aired Sep 09, 2004

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13x260 ROBERT RUBIN aired Sep 10, 2004

Robert Rubin, Director & Chairman of the Executive Committee, Citigroup / Former Secretary of the Treasury / Author “In an Uncertain World: Tough Choices fro... read more


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