Charlie Rose Season 14

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14x01 AULETTA/ FEDERER aired Sep 13, 2004

Ken Auletta, The New Yorker /// Roger Federer, 2004 US Open Champion

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14x02 BRZEZINSKI / KANDEL / FISCHBACH aired Sep 14, 2004

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14x03 ROLAND BETTS aired Sep 15, 2004

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14x04 MEHLMAN / ROSS & KHALIDI aired Sep 16, 2004

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14x06 HOLBROOKE / FALKENRATH / GHEIT / AL-MISNAD aired Sep 20, 2004

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14x07 PATTEN/ SINGH aired Sep 21, 2004

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14x08 KLEIN & TOLL / MOLYVIATIS / PATTEN (PART 2) aired Sep 22, 2004

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14x09 KAMEL KHARRAZI aired Sep 23, 2004

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14x10 LEE KUAN YEW aired Sep 24, 2004

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14x11 DEAN / KRAVITZ aired Sep 27, 2004

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14x12 DOMINIQUE DE VILLEPIN aired Sep 28, 2004

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14x13 Jon Stewart; Presidential Election '04 aired Sep 29, 2004

Jon Stewart on his latest project, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction." A breakdown of the... read more

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14x14 1ST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE – LIVE aired Sep 30, 2004

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14x15 BETTANY / NAIR / “THE LAST SHOT” aired Oct 01, 2004

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14x16 SCHIEFFER / ANDERSON / CARTER aired Oct 04, 2004

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14x17 VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE – LIVE / ORBAN aired Oct 05, 2004

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14x18 PERLE / DUELFER REPORT PANEL aired Oct 06, 2004

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14x19 ALBRIGHT / MATHEWS aired Oct 07, 2004

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14x20 PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE - LIVE aired Oct 08, 2004

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14x21 GARRY TRUDEAU aired Oct 11, 2004

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14x22 “STAGE BEAUTY” / CASSAVETES BOX SET aired Oct 12, 2004

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14x23 PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE - LIVE aired Oct 13, 2004

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14x24 STEWART & FLORIDA / BUTLER / ABRAMS aired Oct 14, 2004

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14x26 HALPERIN / KEPEL / FADL aired Oct 18, 2004

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14x27 “JAZZ”: BURNS & MARSALIS (from 1/8/01) aired Oct 19, 2004

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14x28 SUSKIND / FORD aired Oct 20, 2004

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14x29 “I LOVE HUCKABEES” / GERVAIS aired Oct 21, 2004

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14x30 GORDON / LEVIN aired Oct 22, 2004

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14x31 BOIES aired Oct 25, 2004

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14x32 MEHLMAN / DEVINE / NAUGHTIE aired Oct 26, 2004

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14x34 AMANPOUR / ARAFAT UPDATE / “BIRTH” aired Oct 28, 2004

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14x36 NAGOURNEY & HALPERIN / ICKES & REED / KRUGMAN & BARRO aired Nov 01, 2004

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14x37 ELECTION COVERAGE - LIVE aired Nov 02, 2004

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14x38 POST ELECTION PANEL / PICKERING aired Nov 03, 2004

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14x39 SANGER / POLLACK / WONG / LANGEWIESCHE aired Nov 04, 2004

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14x40 ARAFAT PANEL / FRAYN aired Nov 05, 2004

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14x41 GORDON / “AFTER THE SUNSET” / YAGO aired Nov 08, 2004

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14x42 “THE POLAR EXPRESS” aired Nov 09, 2004

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14x43 IRAQ HOSTAGE PANEL / WOLFE aired Nov 10, 2004

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14x44 WALLACE / FRIEDMAN / ARIKAT / O’REILLY / ARAFAT OBIT. aired Nov 11, 2004

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14x45 SCHEFFER / NADLER & SCHWARTZ / ASH aired Nov 12, 2004

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14x46 MYHRVOLD aired Nov 15, 2004

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14x47 ZAKARIA & WEISMAN / INTERNET aired Nov 16, 2004

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14x48 TECHNET PANEL aired Nov 17, 2004

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14x50 LELLOUCHE / TECHNOLOGY PANEL aired Nov 19, 2004

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14x51 GREENSTOCK / SCHWARTZ aired Nov 22, 2004

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14x52 BARACK OBAMA aired Nov 23, 2004

Barack Obama, Senator-Elect, (D) Illinois / Author, “Dreams From My Father” [Three Rivers Press]; 1 clip from Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention read more

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14x53 VOLCKER / SESTANOVICH / BOCELLI aired Nov 24, 2004

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14x54 “ALEXANDER” aired Nov 25, 2004

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14x56 IRAN PANEL / MAU / SOTTSASS aired Nov 29, 2004

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14x57 JUDITH MILLER TRIAL / FROM aired Nov 30, 2004

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14x58 GREENBLATT / PARKER aired Dec 01, 2004

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14x59 WRIGHT / ZARIF / NYT ARTS & CULTURE aired Dec 02, 2004

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14x60 U.N. OIL FOR FOOD / SEN. COLEMAN / BERNAL aired Dec 03, 2004

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14x61 GHAZI AL-YAWAR aired Dec 06, 2004

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14x62 LEE RAYMOND aired Dec 07, 2004

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14x63 AXEL / GORDIMER aired Dec 08, 2004

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14x64 JIMMY CARTER aired Dec 09, 2004

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14x65 ARMITAGE / NATIVITY PANEL aired Dec 10, 2004

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14x66 REED / DORFMAN / FLEMING aired Dec 13, 2004

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14x67 JOHN & ELIZABETH EDWARDS aired Dec 14, 2004

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14x68 “OCEAN’S 12” / ANDERSON / BARDEM aired Dec 15, 2004

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14x69 “THE AVIATOR” / KELLY aired Dec 16, 2004

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14x70 BROWN / NEESON aired Dec 17, 2004

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14x71 PAUL NURSE aired Dec 20, 2004

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14x73 “SPANGLISH” aired Dec 22, 2004

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14x75 “THE POLAR EXPRESS” (FROM 11/9/04) aired Dec 24, 2004

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14x76 “THE MERCHANT OF VENICE” aired Dec 27, 2004

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14x77 O’REILLY / THE ZOGBY BROTHERS aired Dec 28, 2004

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14x78 ELLIS / SAHLMAN aired Dec 29, 2004

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14x80 FEINSTEIN & AUERBACH / SAHLMAN / HENRY aired Dec 31, 2004

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14x81 TSUNAMI DIASTER aired Jan 03, 2005

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14x82 SANGER / CHERRY / MNOOKIN aired Jan 04, 2005

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14x83 ROSS & ASALI & BIDEN / KEYS aired Jan 05, 2005

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14x84 NYE / SUTHERLAND aired Jan 06, 2005

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14x85 WOOTEN / SUSAN SONTAG OBIT. / ABOULMAGD aired Jan 07, 2005

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14x87 BARACK OBAMA (FROM 11/23/04) aired Jan 11, 2005

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14x88 GEORGE LUCAS (FROM 9/9/04) aired Jan 12, 2005

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14x89 HOSNI MUBARAK aired Jan 13, 2005

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14x90 CLINT EASTWOOD aired Jan 14, 2005

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14x91 KING ABDULLAH aired Jan 17, 2005

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14x92 KISSINGER / “ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13” aired Jan 18, 2005

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14x93 BIDEN / HERSH / PERLE aired Jan 19, 2005

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14x94 HOAGLAND / QUINN AND BRADLEE / GINGRICH aired Jan 20, 2005

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14x95 DALLEK / WALLIS / GASPARINO aired Jan 21, 2005

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14x96 JOHNNY CARSON OBIT. / DIAMOND aired Jan 24, 2005

Tom Shales, The Washington Post (from Washington DC) /// Doc Severinsen, Former Bandleader, “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” (from California) /// Jared... read more

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14x97 SHALOM / BARAK aired Jan 25, 2005

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14x98 Morgan Freeman aired Jan 26, 2005

Morgan Freeman describes working on his latest film, "Million Dollar Baby," directed by Clint Eastwood and also starring Hilary Swank, for which he's receive... read more

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14x99 GEHRY / PHILIP JOHNSON OBIT. (FROM 6/25/93 & 7/8/96) aired Jan 27, 2005

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14x100 PAUL NURSE (FROM 12/20/04) aired Jan 28, 2005

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14x101 IRAQI ELECTION aired Jan 31, 2005

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14x102 AL-YAWAR / GLADWELL aired Feb 01, 2005

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14x103 STATE OF THE UNION – LIVE aired Feb 02, 2005

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14x104 REMNICK / BRETON / NANTZ aired Feb 03, 2005

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14x105 Leonardo DiCaprio aired Feb 04, 2005

Leonardo DiCaprio introduces "The Aviator" and describes the challenges of portraying Howard Hughes, a brilliant self-made billionaire plagued by an increasi... read more

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14x106 WEST / GRAMMY PANEL aired Feb 07, 2005

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14x107 SHARANSKY & FAHMY / “ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT” aired Feb 08, 2005

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14x108 HASTERT / SZARKOWSKI aired Feb 09, 2005

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14x109 KENNEDY / OSSIE DAVIS OBIT. aired Feb 10, 2005

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14x110 IMMELT / POLISI aired Feb 11, 2005

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14x111 PARKER / “SISTER ROSE’S PASSION” aired Feb 14, 2005

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14x112 MEKDAD / BLOGGER PANEL aired Feb 15, 2005

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14x113 GORDON / STEWART aired Feb 16, 2005

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14x114 RENZO PIANO aired Feb 17, 2005

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14x115 ARTHUR MILLER OBITUARY aired Feb 18, 2005

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14x116 AHMET ERTEGUN aired Feb 21, 2005

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14x117 SCHUKER & GERGEN / MILLER & COOPER / “DOWNFALL” aired Feb 22, 2005

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14x118 ISCHINGER & HOAGLAND & MORAN / GILMARTIN aired Feb 23, 2005

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14x119 MASUR / SLOSS / TISCH aired Feb 24, 2005

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14x120 ROGERS / HUNTER S. THOMPSON OBIT. aired Feb 25, 2005

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14x121 AULETTA / MAAZEL / BINOCHE aired Feb 28, 2005

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14x123 STEPHEN SCHWARZMAN aired Mar 02, 2005

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14x124 DEPARLE / WHITMAN / GRANGER aired Mar 03, 2005

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14x125 CLINT EASTWOOD (FROM 1/14/05) aired Mar 04, 2005

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14x126 D’ESTAING / ALLEN aired Mar 07, 2005

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14x127 BUSH SPEECH / MAMDANI / BINDER aired Mar 08, 2005

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14x128 MORGAN FREEMAN (FROM 1/26/05) aired Mar 09, 2005

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14x129 KHALILZAD / KLEIN / “BORN INTO BROTHELS” aired Mar 10, 2005

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14x130 POWELL / BYRNE aired Mar 11, 2005

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14x131 SHANLEY / CLARK aired Mar 14, 2005

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14x132 BELSON / FEINSTEIN / MICHELIN / AYALON aired Mar 15, 2005

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14x133 BUMILLER / HAGEL / YERGIN & VAITHEESWARAN aired Mar 16, 2005

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14x134 ALBOM / EICHENWALD aired Mar 17, 2005

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14x135 WHYBROW / GOTTLIEB / WARD aired Mar 18, 2005

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14x136 TRIBE & DREIER / APPLE aired Mar 21, 2005

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14x137 “THE BALLAD OF JACK AND ROSE” aired Mar 22, 2005

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14x138 KLEIN / IBRAHIM aired Mar 23, 2005

Jonathan Klein, President, CNN / USA, 1 clip from Charlie Rose interview with Jon Stewart of 9/29/04 /// Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Professor, The American Universi... read more

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14x139 CARD / GEORGE KENNAN OBIT. aired Mar 24, 2005

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14x140 KASPAROV / MAHBUBANI / BOBBY SHORT OBIT. aired Mar 25, 2005

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14x141 EGELAND / OWEN aired Mar 28, 2005

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14x142 SHORT / HAU THAI-TANG aired Mar 29, 2005

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14x143 MCEWAN / KELLER aired Mar 30, 2005

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14x144 WESTIN / JOHNNY COCHRAN OBIT. aired Mar 31, 2005

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14x145 POPE PANEL aired Apr 01, 2005

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14x146 BOIES / LEVY aired Apr 04, 2005

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14x147 THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN aired Apr 05, 2005

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14x148 JACK & SUZY WELCH / DULLES aired Apr 06, 2005

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14x149 FONDA / LELYVELD aired Apr 07, 2005

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14x150 THE FATHER’S / VINCI / SHIMON PERES aired Apr 08, 2005

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14x151 QAZI / COLE / BACALL aired Apr 11, 2005

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14x152 CARVILLE / LEVINE aired Apr 12, 2005

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14x153 BOB DOLE aired Apr 13, 2005

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14x154 KISSINGER / “HURLYBURLY” aired Apr 14, 2005

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14x155 LANGE / HENNESSY aired Apr 15, 2005

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14x156 BRETON / MAJOR aired Apr 18, 2005

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14x157 ALBACETE / BACHCHAN aired Apr 19, 2005

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14x158 DALLAIRE / SODERBERG aired Apr 20, 2005

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14x159 POLLACK / BAKER aired Apr 21, 2005

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14x160 CAST OF “DOUBT” / NBA ALL-STARS PANEL aired Apr 22, 2005

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14x161 FILKINS / “LADIES IN LAVENDER” aired Apr 25, 2005

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14x162 MIKE NICHOLS aired Apr 26, 2005

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14x163 THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN (FROM 4/5/05) aired Apr 27, 2005

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14x164 PRESIDENT BUSH SPEECH – LIVE / WAXMAN aired Apr 28, 2005

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14x165 FABIUS & COHEN / “ASSISTED LIVING” / FRIEDA aired Apr 29, 2005

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14x166 SANGER / CHEADLE aired May 02, 2005

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14x167 KHOURI / VOSLOO aired May 03, 2005

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14x168 KHARRAZI / “ESCAPING THE OIL CURSE” aired May 04, 2005

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14x169 ELBARADEI / ABRAMS aired May 05, 2005

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14x170 UK ELECTIONS / SCOTT aired May 06, 2005

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14x171 MCFAUL & SESTANOVICH / SACHS / SMITH aired May 09, 2005

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14x172 GREENSTOCK / OZ & ROIZEN aired May 10, 2005

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14x173 PLANT / CRUDUP aired May 11, 2005

Robert Plant, Singer/Songwriter /// Billy Crudup, Actor, “The Pillowman.”

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14x174 BILL HARRISON aired May 12, 2005

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14x176 TELHAMI & KLAIDMAN / COHEN / HUFFINGTON aired May 16, 2005

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14x177 HOGE & ZOGORIN / GALLOWAY / TSIARAS aired May 17, 2005

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14x178 WILSON / ROBERTS / GEORGE aired May 18, 2005

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14x179 GEORGE LUCAS (REPEAT FROM 9/9/04) aired May 19, 2005

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14x180 “24.” aired May 20, 2005

Joel Surnow, Co Creator; Robert Cochran, Co Creator; Kiefer Sutherland, Actor/ Executive Producer; Carlos Bernard, Actor; Kim Raver, Actor; Arnold Vosloo, Ac... read more

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14x181 MICHAEL ISIKOFF aired May 23, 2005

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14x182 WOLFENSOHN / TIME MOVIE PANEL aired May 24, 2005

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14x183 RASCH & MARKOFF / KELLEY / ENRON PANEL aired May 25, 2005

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14x184 SILVER / STRAUSS. aired May 26, 2005

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14x185 BETTS / GOLDBERGER / RAMSAY. aired May 27, 2005

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14x186 DAVID MCCULLOUGH aired May 30, 2005

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14x187 GERGEN / HARRIS / CREW aired May 31, 2005

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14x188 “CINDERELLA MAN” aired Jun 01, 2005

Ron Howard, Director, Russell Crowe, Actor, Paul Giamatti, Actor.

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14x189 Fishman / Colligan aired Jun 02, 2005

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14x190 ERIC SCHMIDT aired Jun 03, 2005

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14x192 SHALVEY & SMITH / JOHNSON / MARKOFF aired Jun 07, 2005

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14x193 REMEMBERING ANNE BANCROFT aired Jun 08, 2005

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14x194 CONDOLEEZZA RICE aired Jun 09, 2005

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14x195 VOIGT / ROCKEFELLER aired Jun 10, 2005

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14x196 MICHAEL EISNER aired Jun 13, 2005

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14x197 LEHRER / GREENHOUSE aired Jun 14, 2005

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14x198 “BATMAN BEGINS” / “BEWITCHED” aired Jun 15, 2005

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14x200 WOODRUFF / BROWN aired Jun 17, 2005

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14x201 MOSSBERG / BLEHA / SCHIFF aired Jun 20, 2005

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14x202 BIDEN / BURNS / LIMAN aired Jun 21, 2005

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14x203 SHADID / “RIZE” / “RESCUE ME” aired Jun 22, 2005

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14x204 HADLEY / CAPUTO aired Jun 23, 2005

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14x205 WILSON / MCKINNELL aired Jun 24, 2005

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14x206 GONZALES / MORAN / TOTENBERG aired Jun 27, 2005

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14x208 DOCTOROFF / “HUSTLE AND FLOW” aired Jun 29, 2005

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14x210 SANDRA DAY O’CONNOR RETIREMENT aired Jul 01, 2005

David Boies, Founding Partner, Boies, Schiller, & Flexner, LLP, Jay Sekulow, Chief Council, American Center for Law and Justice, Ralph Neas, President & CEO,... read more

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14x211 DAVID MCCULLOUGH aired Jul 04, 2005

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14x212 KEANE / CONANT aired Jul 05, 2005

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14x213 “FREAKONOMICS” / FUKUYAMA aired Jul 06, 2005

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14x214 LONDON BOMB EXPLOSIONS / WOODWARD aired Jul 07, 2005

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14x215 STEVEN WYNN aired Jul 08, 2005

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14x216 MOLYYIATIS / TERROR IN EUROPE / WYNN aired Jul 11, 2005

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14x217 ELLIOT / MORAN & STEVENSON / “MURDERBALL” aired Jul 12, 2005

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14x218 LEE / TORTURE PANEL aired Jul 13, 2005

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14x220 VAUGHN / CROUCH / HITCHENS aired Jul 15, 2005

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14x221 COOPER / CIA LEAK CASE / DU PLESSIX GRAY aired Jul 18, 2005

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14x223 SUPREME COURT PANEL / SHER aired Jul 20, 2005

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14x224 CIA Leak Panel / Cohen & Malley / Ratmansky aired Jul 21, 2005

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14x225 Domestic Security Panel / China Currency Panel aired Jul 22, 2005

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14x226 Roy / Thiel, aired Jul 25, 2005

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14x227 Weingarten / Wong aired Jul 26, 2005

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14x228 Berger & Scowcroft / Vilsack / Halperin & Balz aired Jul 27, 2005

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14x229 McGuinness / Burns / Figueras aired Jul 28, 2005

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14x230 Kim Clark aired Jul 29, 2005

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14x231 Lance Armstrong aired Aug 01, 2005

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14x232 Saudi Arabia, King Fahd Panel / Keller aired Aug 02, 2005

“Panel: Saudi Arabia, King Fahd:” Rachel Bronson, Council of Foreign Relations; via Washington DC Thomas Lippman, Author, “Middle East Institute;” via LA Jud... read more

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14x233 Wong / Kurzweil / Jasanoff / Jaenisch aired Aug 03, 2005

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14x234 Collins / Calatrava aired Aug 04, 2005

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14x235 Chicago Architecture Panel aired Aug 05, 2005

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14x236 Peter Jennings Obit. aired Aug 08, 2005

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14x237 Starvation in Niger / Tiger Woods Panel aired Aug 09, 2005

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14x238 Hudson / Sherwin / Terrio aired Aug 10, 2005

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14x239 Brian Grazer aired Aug 11, 2005

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14x240 Ayalon / Nader / Navasky aired Aug 12, 2005

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14x241 Feldman / Ross / Richardson aired Aug 15, 2005

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14x242 Dwyer & Von Essen / Childs aired Aug 16, 2005

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14x243 Iraq Panel: Wright & Ajami / Cunningham aired Aug 17, 2005

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14x244 Time Panel: Richardson & Miranda / Sweeney / Singleton aired Aug 18, 2005

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14x245 Donald Rumsfeld aired Aug 19, 2005

Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense

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14x246 Cicerone / Fortune Panel: The Bravest Generation / Johnson aired Aug 22, 2005

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14x247 Shanley / “The Cast of ‘Doubt’ Panel” aired Aug 23, 2005

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14x248 Bacall / Lange / Fonda aired Aug 24, 2005

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14x249 McEwa / Fiennes aired Aug 25, 2005

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14x250 Kanye West, Jay-Z, Alicia Keys aired Aug 26, 2005

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14x251 Cinderella Man Panel rebroadcast from 6/01/05 aired Aug 29, 2005

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14x252 Garry Trudeau rebroadcast from 10/11/04 aired Aug 30, 2005

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14x253 Thomas L. Friedman rebroadcast from 4/5/05 aired Aug 31, 2005

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14x254 Lance Armstrong rebroadcast from 8/1/05 aired Sep 01, 2005

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14x255 Steve Wynn rebroadcast from 7/8/05 aired Sep 02, 2005

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14x256 William Rehnquist rebroadcast from 3/11/04 aired Sep 05, 2005

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14x257 Greenhouse / Marsalis / Hurricane Katrina Panel aired Sep 06, 2005

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14x258 Breaux / Zander aired Sep 07, 2005

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14x259 Roberts / Ford / Freeman / Hudgins aired Sep 08, 2005

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awaiting 5 votes
14x260 Volcker / Schreiber / Danner aired Sep 09, 2005

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