Charlie Rose Season 17

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17x01 Petraeus Report Pt. 2 / Conversation with Chris Dodd aired Sep 10, 2007

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17x02 Further discussion about the Petraeus / Crocker testimony / Part 2 of a conversation with Chris Dodd. aired Sep 11, 2007

US Senator and Presidential candidate, Christopher Dodd / US Senator and Presidential candidate, Joseph Biden / US Senator, Lindsey Graham

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17x03 “The Brave One” / Conversation about President Bush aired Sep 12, 2007

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17x04 Bush Speech Analysis (LIVE) / Ben Foster aired Sep 13, 2007

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17x05 General David Petraeus aired Sep 14, 2007

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17x06 Ian McKellen // David Manning aired Sep 17, 2007

Conversation with Ian McKellen about King Lear. Conversation about trade with British Trade commissioner David Manning

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17x07 Orhan Pamuk // Floyd Norris aired Sep 18, 2007

A conversation with Orhan Pamuk about his new book. A conversation with Floyd Norris about the Fed lowering the interest rate and what the effects might be.

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17x08 Science Series, Episode Nine: Heart Disease aired Sep 19, 2007

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17x09 Alan Greenspan book, “The Age of Turbulence: Adentures in a New World” aired Sep 20, 2007

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17x10 “Into the Wild” film aired Sep 21, 2007

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17x11 A conversation with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad aired Sep 24, 2007

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17x12 A conversation with Prince Saud al-Faisal and Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni aired Sep 25, 2007

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17x13 A conversation with Luiz Lula da Silva aired Sep 26, 2007

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17x14 A conversation with Recep Tayyip Erdogan aired Sep 27, 2007

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17x15 A conversation with the Emir of Qatar and the President of the Republic of Georgia aired Sep 28, 2007

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17x16 Nicholas Burns // Rick Atkinson aired Oct 01, 2007

A conversation with Nicholas Burns about Iran, and a conversation with Rick Atkinson about his book on World War II.

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17x17 Pranab Mukherjee / Nandan Nilekani aired Oct 02, 2007

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17x18 Chris Hill / Alan Alda / Herbert Muschamp Obit. aired Oct 03, 2007

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17x19 New Line Cinema, 40th Anniversary aired Oct 04, 2007

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17x20 A conversation with Counterinsurgenncy expert David Kilcullen aired Oct 05, 2007

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17x21 John F. Burns / Julie Taymor aired Oct 08, 2007

Iraq and Jounralism with John F. Burns / A conversation with Julie Taymor about her new film “Across the Universe”

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17x22 British Commissioner of the European Union for Trade / Natalie Dessay aired Oct 09, 2007

A conversation with the British Commissioner of the European Union for Trade. A conversation with famous opera singer Natalie Dessay.

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17x23 “Michael Clayton” / “Into the Wild” aired Oct 10, 2007

A conversation with George Clooney about his new movie “Michael Clayton”, and a conversation with Emile Hirsch about his new movie “Into the Wild”

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17x24 Sirius and XM Radio
 Merger aired Oct 11, 2007

A conversation about a merger between Sirius and XM Radio

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17x25 Cate Blanchett / Napolitano & Palin aired Oct 12, 2007

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17x26 Erik Prince
 aired Oct 15, 2007

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17x27 Samantha Power / Mark Penn aired Oct 16, 2007

A conversation with Samantha Power about the humanity crisis in Sudan. A conversation with Mark Penn about his new book “Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind... read more

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17x28 US Deputy Secretary of State / Annie Lennox aired Oct 17, 2007

A conversation with the US Deputy Secretary of State and a conversation with Annie Lennox about her new album.

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17x29 China aired Oct 18, 2007

A discussion about China, past, present and future.

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17x30 “No Country for Old Men” / “Sleuth” aired Oct 19, 2007

A conversation with Tommy Lee Jones about his new film “No Country for Old Men.” A conversation with Jude Law about his new film “Sleuth.”

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17x31 The Director of the CIA aired Oct 22, 2007

A conversation with the director of the CIA about torture, the past, present and future of the Agency.

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17x32 General Michael Hayden / Jeffrey Toobin aired Oct 23, 2007

Part two of a conversation with General Michael Hayden about Iraq and a conversation with Author Jeffrey Toobin about the perjury trial of Lewis Libby.

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17x33 Tavis Smiley, Cornel West / Jim Lehrer aired Oct 24, 2007

A conversation with Tavis Smiley and his friend Cornel West about politics and West’s new book, and a conversation with Jim Lehrer about politics.

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17x34 Hans Blix aired Oct 25, 2007

A panel discussion on reporting Iraq and a conversation with Hans Blix.

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17x35 “Dan In Real Life” / “The Darjeeling Limited” aired Oct 26, 2007

A conversation with Steve Carell about his new movie “Dan In Real Life” and a conversation with Wes Anderson about his new movie “The Darjeeling Limited” read more

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17x36 Charlie Rose Science Series Episode Ten: Global Health aired Oct 29, 2007

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17x37 The Director General of the IAEA aired Oct 30, 2007

A conversation with the Director General of the IAEA about Iran developing nuclear weapons etc. for the hour.

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17x38 Arianna Huffington / “Fair Game” aired Oct 31, 2007

A conversation with Arianna Huffington about being a leading woman and a conversation with Valerie Plame Wilson about her new book “Fair Game”.

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17x39 Mike Huckabee aired Nov 01, 2007

Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee

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17x40 “American Gangster” aired Nov 02, 2007

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17x41 Jerry Seinfeld aired Nov 05, 2007

Jerry Seinfeld, Comedian, Writer/Actor

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17x42 A conversation about soft power aired Nov 06, 2007

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17x43 Bill Richardson aired Nov 07, 2007

A conversation with Bill Richardson about running for President

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17x44 Jeff Immelt / Directors of “No Country for Old Men” aired Nov 08, 2007

A conversation with Jeff Immelt about GE. A conversation with the directors and actors from the movie, “No Country for Old Men.”

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17x45 Jay –Z / “American Gangster” aired Nov 09, 2007

A conversation with Jay –Z about his new album and the movie “American Gangster”

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17x46 Jeremy Greenstock / Saad Eskander / Kay Bailey Hutchison aired Nov 12, 2007

A conversation with Jeremy Greenstock about Iraq / A conversation with Saad Eskander about the national library and archives in Iraq / and a conversation wit... read more

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17x47 An appreciation of Norman Mailer aired Nov 13, 2007

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17x48 General William “Kip” Ward / “Raising Sand” aired Nov 14, 2007

A conversation with General William “Kip” Ward about U.S. Africa command, and a discussion with Alison Krauss and Robert Plant about their new album “Raising... read more

awaiting 5 votes
17x49 Joni Mitchell aired Nov 15, 2007

Fall television panel and a conversation with Joni Mitchell

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17x50 “No Country for Old Men” /// Michael Korda aired Nov 16, 2007

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17x51 Jeff Bezos aired Nov 19, 2007

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17x52 Charlie Rose Science Series, Episode Eleven: Sexuality aired Nov 20, 2007

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17x53 Karl Rove aired Nov 21, 2007

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17x54 “My Last Supper” /// Mike Oreskes aired Nov 22, 2007

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17x55 Charlie Rangel / Barney Frank aired Nov 23, 2007

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17x56 Foreign Affairs of Egypt / Foreign and European affairs aired Nov 26, 2007

A conversation about foreign affairs of Egypt and a conversation with the French Minister about foreign and European affairs.

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17x57 John McCain aired Nov 27, 2007

A conversation with Presidential hopeful John McCain

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17x58 Hunter S. Thompson / Rudolf Nureyev aired Nov 28, 2007

A conversation about Hunter S. Thompson and Rolling Stone. A conversation about dancer, Rudolf Nureyev.

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17x59 John Edwards aired Nov 29, 2007

A conversation with John Edwards, Former Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate.

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17x60 “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly” / “Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead” aired Nov 30, 2007

A conversation about the new movie “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly”. A conversation about the new movie “Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead” Julian Sch... read more

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17x61 Topic : paintings - J.M.W. Turner / Pablo Picasso aired Dec 03, 2007

A conversation at the National Gallery in Washington about the paintings of J.M.W. Turner, and a conversation about the life and art of Pablo Picasso

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17x62 Fred Thompson aired Dec 04, 2007

A conversation with Republican Presidential candidate, Fred Thompson

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17x63 David Sanger, Vali Nasr / Tom Perkins aired Dec 05, 2007

A conversation about Iran with David Sanger and Vali Nasr. A conversation with author and venture capitalst Tom Perkins

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17x64 Mitt Romney’s Address / UN Ambassador from Iran aired Dec 06, 2007

A conversation about Mitt Romney’s address on his faith. Part one of a conversation with the UN ambassador from Iran about foreign relations and nuclear power. read more

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17x65 Iran’s Ambassador to the UN part two / “The Golden Compass” aired Dec 07, 2007

Part two of a conversation with Iran’s Ambassador to the UN. A conversation about the new movie “The Golden Compass” with Sam Elliott.

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17x66 “Boom” aired Dec 10, 2007

A conversation with Tom Brokaw about his new book “Boom”

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17x67 Rembrandt aired Dec 11, 2007

A conversation about the age of Rembrandt: Dutch Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art

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17x68 Steve Martin aired Dec 12, 2007

A conversation with Steve Martin

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17x69 “The Kite Runner” / Saad Mohseni aired Dec 13, 2007

A conversation about the new movie “The Kite Runner.” A conversation with Saad Mohseni about his media empire in Afghanistan.

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17x70 “Giving: How Each of us Can Change the World” aired Dec 14, 2007

A conversation with Former President Bill Clinton about the Presidential candidates and his new book “Giving: How Each of us Can Change the World”

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17x71 Brad Pitt aired Dec 17, 2007

A conversation with Actor Brad Pitt about New Orleans and Make It Right

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17x72 “Inside Inside” / “Frost/Nixon” aired Dec 18, 2007

A conversation with James Lipton about his new book, “Inside Inside.” A conversation with David Frost about his new book, “Frost/Nixon”

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17x73 Time Magazine’s Person of The Year / “Bridge of Sighs” aired Dec 19, 2007

A conversation about Time Magazine’s Person of The Year. A panel discussion about the life of Peter Jennings. A conversation about Richard Russo’s new book “... read more

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17x74 Science series panel on diseases of the brain. aired Dec 20, 2007

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17x75 “There Will be Blood” aired Dec 21, 2007

A conversation about the new movie “There Will be Blood”

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17x76 Gomes’ / Sarah Sewall and Montgomery McFate aired Dec 24, 2007

A conversation about Gomes’ new book, “The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus-What’s so Good About the Good News?” A conversation about Counterinsurgency and Iraq wi... read more

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17x77 Dr. Alain Carpentier / Craig Venter aired Dec 25, 2007

A conversation with Dr. Alain Carpentier about heart surgery. A conversation with Craig Venter about his new book, “A Life Decoded: My Genome: My Life”

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17x78 Paul Krugman / Randall Robinson aired Dec 26, 2007

A conversation with Paul Krugman about his new book, “The Conscience of a Liberal.” A conversation with Randall Robinson about his new book, “An Unborken Ago... read more

awaiting 5 votes
17x79 Bill and Hillary Clinton / Tom DeFrank aired Dec 27, 2007

A conversation with Sally Bedell Smith about her new book, “For Love of Politics – Bill and Hillary Clinton: The White House Years” and a conversation with j... read more

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17x80 William F. Buckley / Naomi Klein aired Dec 28, 2007

A conversation with William F. Buckley about his new book, “Cancel Your Own Goddam Subscription” and a conversation with Naomi Klein about her new book, “The... read more

awaiting 5 votes
17x81 Akiva Eldar / Naomi Chazan / Ramachandra Guha aired Dec 31, 2007

A conversation with Akiva Eldar about his new book, “Lords of the Land: The War Over Israel’s Settlements in the Occupied Territories.” A conversation with N... read more

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17x82 An appreciation of those who died in 2007 aired Jan 01, 2008

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17x83 The Harlem Children’s Zone / David Yepsen aired Jan 02, 2008

A conversation about education with the founder of The Harlem Children’s Zone, and a conversation with David Yepsen about the Iowa Caucuses.

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17x84 Live coverage of the Iowa Caucus aired Jan 03, 2008

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17x85 Politics after Iowa aired Jan 04, 2008

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17x86 A preview of the New Hampshire Primary aired Jan 07, 2008

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17x87 Live show on the results of the New Hampshire Primary aired Jan 08, 2008

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17x88 Alissa Rubin/Madeleine Albright/Saad Mohseni aired Jan 09, 2008

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17x89 Middle East / Muhammad Yunus aired Jan 10, 2008

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17x90 The Economy / Philip Pullman aired Jan 11, 2008

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17x91 Clyburn / Race and Gender Panel aired Jan 14, 2008

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17x92 Alex Ross / Marin Alsop aired Jan 15, 2008

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17x93 A discussion about the Middle East / Update on Republican Politicas After Michigan aired Jan 16, 2008

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17x94 Abdullah Abdullah / Jacob Weisberg aired Jan 17, 2008

A discussion about Sovereign Funds / A conversation with Abdullah Abdullah / A conversation with Jacob Weisberg

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17x95 Charles Tangel / economy and football aired Jan 18, 2008

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17x96 “Mirror to America” aired Jan 21, 2008

A rebroadcast of a conversation about his autobiography “Mirror to America” and race relations in America

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17x97 Douglas Lute / Heath Ledger Remembrance aired Jan 22, 2008

A conversation about the economy. A conversation with Douglas Lute about War, and a remembrance of Heath Ledger who died today.

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17x98 Google / Macworld aired Jan 23, 2008

A discussion about Google and emerging technology. A conversation with Walter Mossberg about Macworld.

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17x99 Orhan Pamuk / E.L. Doctorow aired Jan 24, 2008

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17x100 Jerry Seinfeld (Rebroadcast from 11/5/07) / Steve Martin (Rebroadcast from 12/12/07) aired Jan 25, 2008

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17x101 The State of the Union Address aired Jan 28, 2008

A live broadcast and conversation about The State of the Union Address. This was President Bush’s last SOTU.

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17x102 John Grisham “The Appeal” aired Jan 29, 2008

A conversation with Author, John Grisham about his new book “The Appeal,” politics, etc.

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17x103 Presidential Election / Secretary of the Treasury aired Jan 30, 2008

A discussion about the Presidential election. A conversation with the Secretary of the Treasury.

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17x104 An hour with Julian Schnabel aired Jan 31, 2008

An hour with Julian Schnabel

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17x105 Microsoft & Yahoo / A preview of Super Bowl XLII / Super Bowl advertisements aired Feb 01, 2008

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17x106 Harold Ford, Jr. / Human Cloning aired Feb 04, 2008

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17x107 Live Coverage of Super Tuesday aired Feb 05, 2008

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17x108 Super Tuesday Review / “In Bruges” / Alice Waters aired Feb 06, 2008

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17x109 Laura Bush / Fashion Week aired Feb 07, 2008

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17x110 John McCain / Yahoo aired Feb 08, 2008

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17x111 Willie Brown / Valentin Fuster aired Feb 11, 2008

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17x112 “The Nation” / Richard Branson aired Feb 12, 2008

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17x113 Sam Nunn & William Cohen / Damien Hirst aired Feb 13, 2008

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17x114 Salam Fayyad / Winner of 2008 Westminster Best in Show, Uno aired Feb 14, 2008

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17x115 Martin Feldstein / “Jumper” aired Feb 15, 2008

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17x116 Susan Hockfield / Chris Anderson / Dr. Arden Bement aired Feb 18, 2008

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17x117 There Will Be Blood & No Country For Old Men aired Feb 19, 2008

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17x118 Antonio Villaraigosa aired Feb 20, 2008

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17x119 A discussion about John McCain / A conversation with Samantha Power aired Feb 21, 2008

A discussion about John McCain and the NY Times lobbyist allegation / A conversation with Samantha Power

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17x120 A discussion about Kosovo / A preview of the 2008 Oscars aired Feb 22, 2008

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17x121 An update on Pakistan / An update on France aired Feb 25, 2008

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17x122 Timothy Garton Ash, Alistair Horne and John Burns aired Feb 26, 2008

A conversation with Timothy Garton Ash, Alistair Horne and John Burns

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17x123 An Appreciation of William F. Buckley aired Feb 27, 2008

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17x124 Nancy Pelosi / Kishore Mahbubani aired Feb 28, 2008

A conversation with Nancy Pelosi / A conversation with author Kishore Mahbubani

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17x125 A discussion about Russia / A conversation with Lorin Maazel aired Feb 29, 2008

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17x126 A conversation with Tom Daschle / A conversation with Harold Ickes aired Mar 03, 2008

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17x127 Live coverage of the Primaries aired Mar 04, 2008

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17x128 Gabriel Byrne aired Mar 05, 2008

A conversation with actor Gabriel Byrne

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17x129 Chris Anderson / Michael Arrington aired Mar 06, 2008

A conversation with Chris Anderson of Wired / A conversation with Michael Arrington

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17x130 Martin Rees / Dr. Stephen Hawking & Lucy Hawking aired Mar 07, 2008

A conversation with Martin Rees / A conversation with Dr. Stephen Hawking & Lucy Hawking

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17x131 A tribute to William F. Buckley aired Mar 10, 2008

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17x132 A discussion about Eliot Spitzer / A discussion about Adm. William Fallon’s resignation aired Mar 11, 2008

A discussion about Eliot Spitzer / A discussion about Adm. William Fallon’s resignation

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17x133 Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff aired Mar 12, 2008

An hour with Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

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17x134 Lieutenant General William Caldwell / Andrea Jung / Steven Pinker aired Mar 13, 2008

A conversation with Lieutenant General William Caldwell / A conversation with Andrea Jung / A conversation with Steven Pinker of Harvard

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17x135 A discussion about the economy / Al Hunt aired Mar 14, 2008

A discussion about the economy / A conversation with Al Hunt

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17x136 Bear Stearns / Lawrence Summers / Robin Wright aired Mar 17, 2008

A discussion about the purchase of Bear Stearns / A conversation with Lawrence Summers / A conversation with Robin Wright of The Washington Post

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17x137 Paul Volcker / Barack Obama’s speech on race aired Mar 18, 2008

A discussion about the economy with Paul Volcker / A discussion about Barack Obama’s speech on race

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17x138 Les Gelb / George Packer aired Mar 19, 2008

A discussion about the war in Iraq with Les Gelb / Continued discussion about the war in Iraq / A conversation with George Packer

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17x139 Richard Engle / the five year anniversary of the invasion of Irak / Tibet aired Mar 20, 2008

A discussion about the war in Iraq with Richard Engle / A discussion about the war in Iraq on the five year anniversary of the invasion / A discussion about ... read more

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17x140 David McCullough aired Mar 21, 2008

A conversation with author David McCullough

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17x141 Ian McShane / Peter O’Toole / An Appreciation of Anthony Minghella aired Mar 24, 2008

A conversation actor Ian McShane / A conversation with actor Peter O’Toole / An Appreciation of Anthony Minghella

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17x142 John Hofmeister / Bat populations in the US aired Mar 25, 2008

A conversation with John Hofmeister / A discussion about bat populations in the United States

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17x143 Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania / Thomas Keller aired Mar 26, 2008

A conversation with Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania / A conversation with chef Thomas Keller

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17x144 Arlen Specter / Vitaly Churkin aired Mar 27, 2008

A conversation with Senator Arlen Specter / A conversation with Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s Ambassador to the U.N.

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17x145 A discussion about the economy / Senator Chuck Hagel / Integrative Health aired Mar 28, 2008

A discussion about the economy / A conversation with Senator Chuck Hagel / A discussion about Integrative Health

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17x146 Dr. Patrick Walsh / John Snow / An appreciation of photojournalist Dith Pran aired Mar 31, 2008

A conversation with Dr. Patrick Walsh / A conversation with John Snow / An appreciation of photojournalist Dith Pran

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17x147 Ted Turner aired Apr 01, 2008

A conversation with Ted Turner

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17x148 Pete Peterson aired Apr 02, 2008

A conversation with Pete Peterson

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17x149 David Axelrod / NCAA Final Four / Steve Coll aired Apr 03, 2008

A conversation with David Axelrod / A preview of the NCAA Final Four / A conversation with author Steve Coll

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17x150 The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. aired Apr 04, 2008

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17x151 Charlie Rose Science Series, Episode Thirteen: The Imperative of Science aired Apr 07, 2008

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17x152 Petraeus Hearings Discussion / aired Apr 08, 2008

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17x153 Iraq Discussion aired Apr 09, 2008

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17x154 George Soros / Helen Mirren aired Apr 10, 2008

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17x155 George Clooney / Norah Jones aired Apr 11, 2008

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17x156 Pennsylvania Primary: Sen. Bob Casey / Klein and Polman / T.R. Reid aired Apr 14, 2008

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17x157 Cokie Roberts / Mikhail Baryshnikov aired Apr 15, 2008

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17x158 Jeffrey Sachs / Richard Price aired Apr 16, 2008

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17x159 Michael Bloomberg & Arnold Schwarzenegger aired Apr 17, 2008

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17x160 Pope Benedict XVI Visit to the US / Michael Kinsley aired Apr 18, 2008

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17x161 Howard Fineman / Millard Drexler aired Apr 21, 2008

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17x162 Live coverage of the Pennsylvania Primary aired Apr 22, 2008

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17x163 A Pennsylvania primary follow-up / A conversation with A.G. Lafley aired Apr 23, 2008

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17x164 A conversation with George Schultz / A conversation with Charlie Wilson aired Apr 24, 2008

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17x165 A conversation with John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State aired Apr 25, 2008

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17x166 A conversation with former President Jimmy Carter / A conversation with Jan Egeland aired Apr 28, 2008

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17x167 James Clyburn / Sally Quinn, Floyd Flake aired Apr 29, 2008

A discussion about Barack Obama & Rev. Jeremiah Wright: James Clyburn / Continued discussion about Barack Obama & Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Kelefa Sanneh / Furth... read more

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17x168 Gov. Mike Easley / Arianna Huffington aired Apr 30, 2008

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17x169 Fareed Zakaria aired May 01, 2008

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17x170 Meghan O’Sullivan / Nan Rosenthal aired May 02, 2008

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17x171 Microsoft & Yahoo / Primary Preview / Patrick Stewart aired May 05, 2008

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17x172 Live coverage of the North Carolina and Indiana primaries aired May 06, 2008

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17x173 Design and The Elastic Mind aired May 07, 2008

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17x174 A conversation with Bill Moyers aired May 08, 2008

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17x175 Susan C. Schwab / Bernard-Henri Levy & Umberto Eco aired May 09, 2008

A conversation with Ambassador Susan C. Schwab, United States Trade Representative / A conversation with Bernard-Henri Levy & Umberto Eco

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17x176 Relief efforts in Myanmar / Randi Weingarten aired May 12, 2008

An update from the U.N. on relief efforts in Myanmar / A conversation with Randi Weingarten

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17x177 John Harwood and Jerry Seib / Jonathan Zittrain aired May 13, 2008

A conversation with John Harwood and Jerry Seib / A conversation with author Jonathan Zittrain

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17x178 Jeremy Greenstock / Michael Rose aired May 14, 2008

A conversation with Jeremy Greenstock / A conversation with retired British Army General Michael Rose

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17x179 Robert Kagan / Parag Khanna aired May 15, 2008

A conversation with Robert Kagan / A conversation with author Parag Khanna

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17x180 Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez / An appreciation of Robert Rauschenberg aired May 16, 2008

A conversation with Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, U.S. Army / An appreciation of Robert Rauschenberg

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17x181 David Miliband / Bartlett Sher aired May 19, 2008

A conversation with David Miliband / A conversation with Bartlett Sher

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17x182 Senator Ted Kennedy Diagnosed with Malignant Brain Tumor / Jeff Zucker aired May 20, 2008

Senator Ted Kennedy Diagnosed with Malignant Brain Tumor / A conversation with Jeff Zucker

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17x183 Sandy Weill / Kurt Andersen aired May 21, 2008

A conversation with Sandy Weill, Chairman Emeritus, Citigroup Inc. / A conversation with Kurt Andersen

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17x184 “Recount” / Garry Wills / An appreciation of Hamilton Jordan aired May 22, 2008

A discussion about the HBO film “Recount” / A conversation with author Garry Wills / An appreciation of Hamilton Jordan

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17x185 An hour with Fred Smith, Founder & CEO, Fedex aired May 23, 2008

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17x186 A conversation with Ted aired May 26, 2008

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17x187 Peter Matthiessen / Edward Albee / Jhumpa Lahiri aired May 27, 2008

A conversation with author Peter Matthiessen / A conversation with Edward Albee, Playwright and Tony Award Winner / A conversation with author Jhumpa Lahiri

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17x188 An appreciation of Sydney Pollack / A appreciation of Chuck Fruit aired May 28, 2008

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17x189 'Sex and the City' / Martha Sherrill aired May 29, 2008

A discussion about the film Sex and the City / A conversation with author and journalist Martha Sherrill

awaiting 5 votes
17x190 Col. H.R. McMaster / Philip Bobbitt aired May 30, 2008

Col. H.R. McMaster / A conversation with author Philip Bobbitt

awaiting 5 votes
17x191 Middle East: Sir Lawrence Freedman and Aaron David Miller aired Jun 02, 2008

Middle East: Sir Lawrence Freedman and Aaron David Miller

awaiting 5 votes
17x192 A Conversation with George Will aired Jun 03, 2008

No summary found for this show

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17x193 Election Discussion / Richard Engel aired Jun 04, 2008

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17x194 Pritzker Prize Architecture Panel aired Jun 05, 2008

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17x195 Big Brown’s pursuit of the Triple-Crown / A conversation with Tony Judt aired Jun 06, 2008

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17x196 A conversation with Luca di Montezemolo / A conversation with CBS’s Jim Nantz aired Jun 09, 2008

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17x197 A discussion about the price of Oil / Misha Glenny aired Jun 10, 2008

A discussion about the price of Oil / A conversation with author Misha Glenny

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17x198 Interview Magazine Celebrates Andy Warhol / Tom Wolfe aired Jun 11, 2008

Interview Magazine Celebrates Andy Warhol / A conversation with author Tom Wolfe

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17x199 Middle East Discussion / Rose Styron aired Jun 12, 2008

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17x200 Tim Russert Appreciation aired Jun 13, 2008

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17x201 Emanuel Brothers / Lance Armstrong / Sue Williams aired Jun 16, 2008

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17x202 Nasr, Gordon, Biddle / Ahmed Rashid aired Jun 17, 2008

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17x203 Reed / Mirisch / Gerber aired Jun 18, 2008

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17x204 Fred Krupp / Connie Britton aired Jun 19, 2008

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17x205 Justice Antonin Scalia aired Jun 20, 2008

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17x206 Scott Shane / Terrence Wrong / George Carlin Obit. aired Jun 23, 2008

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17x207 Gonzo: The Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson / Michael Mandelbaum aired Jun 24, 2008

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17x208 Zimbabwe Election / Emmylou Harris aired Jun 25, 2008

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17x209 North Korea Developments / Peter Levene aired Jun 26, 2008

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17x210 Obama-Clinton Campaigning / Daniel Yergin aired Jun 27, 2008

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17x211 Pakistan / Salman Rushdie aired Jun 30, 2008

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17x212 Education: Bob Wise / Wendy Kopp aired Jul 01, 2008

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17x213 Naguib Sawiris / Clay Felker Appreciation aired Jul 02, 2008

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17x214 Judith Jamison /// Duke and Duke Biddle aired Jul 03, 2008

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17x215 David McCullough aired Jul 04, 2008

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17x216 Jamie Dimon, Part One aired Jul 07, 2008

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17x217 Baker and Christopher / Jamie Dimon, Part Two aired Jul 08, 2008

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17x218 Ted Koppel / Jim Courier aired Jul 09, 2008

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17x219 Teachers of the Year Panel aired Jul 10, 2008

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17x220 Nicholson Baker / Virunga Gorillas aired Jul 11, 2008

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17x221 Election Update / Michelle Rhee aired Jul 14, 2008

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17x222 Economy: Sloan and Morgenson / Amory Lovins aired Jul 15, 2008

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17x223 David Remnick / David Simon aired Jul 16, 2008

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17x224 An Hour with Neil Young aired Jul 17, 2008

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17x225 Nelson Mandela Discussion aired Jul 18, 2008

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17x226 Senator Jim Webb aired Jul 21, 2008

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17x227 David Chang aired Jul 22, 2008

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17x228 Tobacco / iPhone / Ken Pollack aired Jul 23, 2008

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17x229 Obama’s Overseas Trip / El-Erian aired Jul 24, 2008

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17x230 “Step Brothers” / Lewis Black aired Jul 25, 2008

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17x231 Admiral William Fallon / Mad Men aired Jul 28, 2008

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17x232 Genetics: Francis Collins / Church, Agus, Ornish aired Jul 29, 2008

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17x233 Gov. Tim Kaine aired Jul 30, 2008

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17x234 Barbara Walters aired Jul 31, 2008

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17x235 Pakistan: Husain Haqqani / Farahnaz Ispahani /// Mark Mazzetti aired Aug 01, 2008

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17x236 Peter Chernin aired Aug 04, 2008

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17x237 Woodruff / Lockhart / Pineapple Express aired Aug 05, 2008

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17x238 Imran Khan / Pete Sampras aired Aug 06, 2008

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17x239 Elegy: Cruz, Hopper, Coixet / Thurgood: Fishburne, Stevens aired Aug 07, 2008

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17x240 Holbrooke / Pan & Kahn / Economy aired Aug 08, 2008

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17x241 Russia/Georgia Conflict / Don Keough aired Aug 11, 2008

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17x242 Vitaly Churkin / James Hansen / Wole Soyinka aired Aug 12, 2008

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17x243 Jane Mayer / Philip Gourevitch aired Aug 13, 2008

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17x244 Princeton Economists / Austan Goolsbee aired Aug 14, 2008

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17x245 Ben Stiller / Car Design aired Aug 15, 2008

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17x246 GM: Rick Wagoner aired Aug 18, 2008

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17x247 GM: Lutz, Kruse, and Boniface aired Aug 19, 2008

No summary found for this show

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17x248 Francesco Clemente / Bernie Mac Obit. aired Aug 20, 2008

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17x249 John Hickenlooper / Leah Daughtry / David Carr aired Aug 21, 2008

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17x250 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad aired Aug 22, 2008

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17x251 DNC – Live from Denver aired Aug 25, 2008

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17x252 DNC Live from Denver aired Aug 26, 2008

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17x253 DNC Live from Denver aired Aug 27, 2008

No summary found for this show

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17x254 DNC Live from Denver (last of four) aired Aug 28, 2008

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17x255 The Life and Legacy of Lyndon Johnson aired Aug 29, 2008

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17x256 RNC - Live aired Sep 01, 2008

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17x257 RNC - Live aired Sep 02, 2008

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17x258 RNC – Live from Saint Paul aired Sep 03, 2008

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17x259 RNC – Live from Saint Paul aired Sep 04, 2008

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17x260 Adam Nagourney / Memory Study / Islam Discussion aired Sep 05, 2008

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