Charlie Rose Season 21

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21x01 Summer Recess Show: Creativity aired Sep 05, 2011

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21x02 Defense, Military, Budget, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Terrorism, War. aired Sep 06, 2011

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21x03 'That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It' / 'Watching the World Change' aired Sep 07, 2011

"That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It” / “Watching the World Change.”

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21x04 Politics, Economy, 2012 Presidential Election, and President Obama’s Jobs Speech aired Sep 08, 2011

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21x05 The 10th Year Anniversary of 9/11: National Security / 9-11 Commission Report / CBS Documentary: “9/11: Ten Years Later” aired Sep 09, 2011

The 10th Year Anniversary of 9/11: National Security / 9-11 Commission Report / CBS Documentary: “9/11: Ten Years Later”

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21x06 The 10th Year Anniversary of 9/11 aired Sep 12, 2011

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21x08 Politics: State and Local Elections / Movie: “Contagion” / French History & Travel aired Sep 14, 2011

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21x09 Economy: European Debt Crisis / Moderating Presidetial Debates / Books & Movies aired Sep 15, 2011

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21x10 Politics / Physics aired Sep 16, 2011

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21x11 U.N. General Assembly: Palestinian Statehood; Middle East Affairs aired Sep 19, 2011

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21x13 U.N. General Assembly & Middle East Affairs: Turkey / Arab Spring: Egypt aired Sep 21, 2011

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21x14 U.N. General Assembly: Palestinian Statehood aired Sep 22, 2011

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21x15 China // U.S. – India Relationship /// Iran aired Sep 23, 2011

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21x16 Palestinian bid for statehood with the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council. aired Sep 26, 2011

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21x17 Russia and the Fall of the Soviet Union, 20 Years Later aired Sep 27, 2011

Russia and the Fall of the Soviet Union, 20 Years Later [A Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Event taped in the Knight Studio at the Newseum, Washin... read more

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21x18 U.S.-China Relations (The Sino-U.S. Business Leaders’ Partership Initiative) aired Sep 28, 2011

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21x19 Burma (Myanmar) / Presidential Campaign 2012 aired Sep 29, 2011

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21x20 20th Anniversary of “Charlie Rose” on PBS / Anwar al-Awlaki aired Sep 30, 2011

[20th Anniversary of “Charlie Rose” on PBS] U.S. and Global Economy // Anwar al-Awlaki killed in a U.S. drone strike

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21x21 New book about the roots of financial crisis in several European countries. aired Oct 03, 2011

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21x22 Campaign 2012 / Technology: the Future of Social Media aired Oct 04, 2011

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21x23 Dr. Jim Yong Kim, President of Dartmouth ; Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University aired Oct 05, 2011

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21x24 George Clooney / Remembering Steve Jobs aired Oct 06, 2011

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21x25 Eric Schmidt / Remembering Steve Jobs aired Oct 07, 2011

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21x26 Metropolitan Opera / Golf aired Oct 10, 2011

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21x27 Republican Presidential debate - Live aired Oct 11, 2011

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21x28 Occupy Wall Street / Iran & Saudi Arabia / China & Chinese entrepreneurship aired Oct 12, 2011

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21x30 Politics (with Al Hunt of Bloomberg News as Guest Host) / Television & Music aired Oct 14, 2011

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21x31 Liberia / The New York Times aired Oct 17, 2011

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21x33 Architecture / “Catch 22” 50th Anniversary Panel aired Oct 19, 2011

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21x34 Libya; Gadhafi death / Economics aired Oct 20, 2011

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21x35 Economy & Jobs / Global Economy & Turkey aired Oct 21, 2011

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21x36 Financial Regulatory Reform / Occupy Wall Street aired Oct 24, 2011

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21x37 Biography of Steve Jobs aired Oct 25, 2011

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21x38 Philosophy / Cybercrime aired Oct 26, 2011

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21x39 Israel / Shakespeare (an excerpt from upcoming Shakespeare Series) aired Oct 27, 2011

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21x40 Greece / “The Economist” magazine panel on Europe and global economy aired Oct 28, 2011

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21x41 Biography of Jack Kennedy / Global Economy aired Oct 31, 2011

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21x42 Books aired Nov 01, 2011

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21x43 Turkey & Economy / Shakespeare aired Nov 02, 2011

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21x44 Brain Series – Year 2; Episode 1: Neurological, Psychiatric and Addictive Disorders aired Nov 03, 2011

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21x45 Politics / G20 & Greek Debt Crisis / Preview of Facebook / Books aired Nov 04, 2011

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21x46 Facebook (taped at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, California). aired Nov 07, 2011

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21x47 Business and Leadership aired Nov 08, 2011

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21x48 Cars and the automobile industry aired Nov 09, 2011

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21x53 Theater: “The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer.” / China today aired Nov 16, 2011

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21x54 College sports and Penn State scandal // The Highline Panel aired Nov 17, 2011

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21x55 Iran and The Middle East aired Nov 18, 2011

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21x56 Politics // Corporate Ethics aired Nov 21, 2011

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21x57 Egypt // Ted Forstmann Appreciation aired Nov 22, 2011

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21x58 Afghanistan / Counterterrorism post 9-11 / Why Shakespeare aired Nov 23, 2011

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21x59 Movies & Movie Stars: “My Week with Marilyn” / Life & Career of Diane Keaton aired Nov 24, 2011

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21x60 Presidential Elections & Effort to start a third political party // Golf aired Nov 25, 2011

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21x61 China // Movies aired Nov 28, 2011

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21x62 Occupy Wall Street (OWS) // Technology aired Nov 29, 2011

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21x64 Politics: 2012 Presidential Campaign / Karl Marx // Jack Reacher Novels aired Dec 01, 2011

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21x65 Animation aired Dec 02, 2011

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21x67 Movies: “Moneyball” aired Dec 06, 2011

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21x68 Politics: 2012 Presidential Elections / Syria aired Dec 07, 2011

Matthew Dowd, ABC News; Bloomberg View / Clarissa Ward, Foreign Correspondent, CBS News

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21x70 European Debt Crisis / Libya aired Dec 09, 2011

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21x71 Why Shakespeare Series aired Dec 12, 2011

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21x72 Theather: “Krapp’s Last Tape,” a play by Samuel Beckett // China aired Dec 13, 2011

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21x73 Time Magazine Person of the Year: “The Protester” // Movie: “The Help” aired Dec 14, 2011

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21x74 Movie: “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” aired Dec 15, 2011

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21x76 Presidential Election 2012 // Appreciation of Vaclav Havel aired Dec 19, 2011

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21x77 North Korea & the death of Kim Jong-Il / Higgs Boson (aka the “God particle”) aired Dec 20, 2011

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21x78 A look back at the year 2011 aired Dec 21, 2011

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21x81 Movies: “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” / “Coriolanus” aired Dec 26, 2011

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21x82 Theater: “The Mountaintop” / Cooking aired Dec 27, 2011

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21x83 Why Shakespeare: “Macbeth” & “King Lear” aired Dec 28, 2011

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21x84 Book: “My Song, A Memoir” (Taped at the 92nd Street Y) aired Dec 29, 2011

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21x85 A Remembrance of People Who died in 2011 aired Dec 30, 2011

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21x88 Politics: Campaign 2012 – Iowa Caucus (Post Analysis) // Theater: “Richard III” aired Jan 04, 2012

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21x89 Barney Frank / Book: “What It Means to Be a Democrat” aired Jan 05, 2012

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21x90 Iran / Global Political Risk aired Jan 06, 2012

Iran / Global Political Risk // Books: “The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World” /// Books: “Th... read more

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21x91 Politics: Campaign 2012 – New Hampshire Primary (Preview) // Movies: “The Artist” aired Jan 09, 2012

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21x94 Iran // Art: Damien Hirst Complete Spot Paintings, 1986 - 2011 aired Jan 12, 2012

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21x97 South Carolina Republican Primary (preview) // Movies: “Shame” aired Jan 17, 2012

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21x98 Iran / Sports & Books: “One on One: Behind the Scenes with the Greats in the Game” aired Jan 18, 2012

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21x100 Brain Series II: Episode 3: Agnosia. aired Jan 20, 2012

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21x101 Presidential Campaign 2012 / Movies: “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” aired Jan 23, 2012

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21x102 State of the Union - LIVE aired Jan 24, 2012

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21x103 Books: “Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power” // Oscars Preview aired Jan 25, 2012

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21x104 National Security aired Jan 26, 2012

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21x107 Florida GOP Primary // JFK assassination Air Force One recordings aired Jan 31, 2012

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21x108 Florida GOP Primary Review // Movies: “We Need to Talk About Kevin” aired Feb 01, 2012

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21x109 Qatar // Super Bowl XLVI Preview aired Feb 02, 2012

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21x110 Russia // Books: “The End of Illness” // Brain Watch: Alzheimer’s aired Feb 03, 2012

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21x111 United Nations vote on Syria // Panel on Syria /// Super Bowl XLVI aired Feb 06, 2012

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21x112 Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal aired Feb 07, 2012

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21x113 Same sex marriage // Criminal Defense /// Books: “The Man Inside My Head”. aired Feb 08, 2012

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21x114 Syria // Movies: “Rampart” aired Feb 09, 2012

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21x115 Books: “Coming Apart: The State of White America From 1960-2012” // “The Fear Index” /// “Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity” aired Feb 10, 2012

Books: “Coming Apart: The State of White America From 1960-2012” // “The Fear Index” /// “Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai U... read more

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21x116 NYPD // Whitney Houston Tribute aired Feb 13, 2012

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21x117 China / Books: “The World America Made” aired Feb 14, 2012

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21x121 Presidents Day 2012 aired Feb 20, 2012

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21x123 Movies: “Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Spy” aired Feb 22, 2012

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21x124 Brain Series II: Episode 4: Alzheimer’s Disease aired Feb 23, 2012

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21x125 Academy Awards Special aired Feb 24, 2012

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21x126 Politics: Religion in Politics // Jon Huntsman aired Feb 27, 2012

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21x127 Books: “Thinking, Fast and Slow” // Theatre: “Seminar” aired Feb 28, 2012

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21x130 Shimon Peres (Taped at the 92nd Street Y) aired Mar 02, 2012

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21x131 Foreign Affairs: Iran, Israel // Movies: “Game Change” aired Mar 05, 2012

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21x132 Super Tuesday // Hulu aired Mar 06, 2012

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21x135 Architecture // Van Gogh aired Mar 09, 2012

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21x136 Current Affairs: Afghanistan Massacre // Books: “The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live--and How You Can Change Them” aired Mar 12, 2012

Current Affairs: Afghanistan Massacre // Books: “The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live--and How ... read more

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21x137 Aviation // Movies: “Casa De Mi Padre” aired Mar 13, 2012

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21x138 George Osborne // Theatre: “Wit” aired Mar 14, 2012

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21x139 Current Affairs: Sudan // China Politics aired Mar 15, 2012

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21x140 General Martin Dempsey // Movies: “Delicacy”. aired Mar 16, 2012

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21x142 Anne Hathaway // Movies: “Pina” // Movies: “4:44 Last Day on Earth” aired Mar 20, 2012

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21x144 Television: “Mad Men” aired Mar 22, 2012

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21x145 Foreign Policy: Afghanistan aired Mar 23, 2012

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21x146 Law: Supreme Court oral arguments on Obamacare - Day 1// “Murdoch’s Scandal” aired Mar 26, 2012

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21x149 Governmenet: Simpson-Bowles Budget aired Mar 29, 2012

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21x150 Brain Series II: Episode 5: Schizophrenia aired Mar 30, 2012

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21x152 “The Social Conquest of Earth” / “The Age of Insight aired Apr 03, 2012

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21x155 “The Crisis of Zionism” / “Enemies: A History of the FBI aired Apr 06, 2012

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21x156 Books: “Inside the Circus aired Apr 09, 2012

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21x157 Appreciation of Mike Wallace aired Apr 10, 2012

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21x158 Foreign Affairs: Syrian Ceasefire // Sports: 2012 Masters Golf Tournament aired Apr 11, 2012

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21x159 Theatre: “Being Shakespeare” // Sports: 2012 Masters Golf Tournament // Sports: LPGA aired Apr 12, 2012

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21x160 Remembering Christopher Hitchens aired Apr 13, 2012

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21x161 Mayors Roundtable // Foreign Affairs: European Debt Crisis aired Apr 16, 2012

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21x162 Michael Gazzaniga / Jonah Lehrer / Thomas de Wesselow aired Apr 17, 2012

Books: “Who’s in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain” // Books: “Imagine—How Creativity Works” // Books: “The Sign: The Shroud of Turin and the Se... read more

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21x163 Politics: Presidential Election 2012 // Books: “Calico Joe” // BuzzFeed aired Apr 18, 2012

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21x164 Cisco Systems // Union Square Hospitality Group aired Apr 19, 2012

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21x165 International Monetary Fund aired Apr 20, 2012

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21x166 Senator John McCain // Shakespeare Theatre Company aired Apr 23, 2012

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21x167 Books: “Dropped Names: Famous Men and Women As I Knew Them aired Apr 24, 2012

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21x168 Foreign Affairs: Bo Xilai Scandal // Google X // Twitter, Square aired Apr 25, 2012

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21x169 John Burns / Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson / Eric Liu / Nick Hanauer / Irshad Manji aired Apr 26, 2012

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21x170 Sheila Canby / Navina Haidar / Renée Fleming / Daniel Libeskind aired Apr 27, 2012

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21x171 Books: “End This Depression Now!” aired Apr 30, 2012

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21x172 Books: “The Debt Bomb: A Bold Plan to Stop Washington from Bankrupting America” aired May 01, 2012

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21x173 Seth Jones / Steve Coll / Kathy Freston aired May 02, 2012

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21x174 Judi Dench, Edward Luce, Corinne Narassiguin aired May 03, 2012

Dame Judi Dench looks back on her acting career and her most recent film, "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Edward Luce discusses the American middle class, ... read more

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21x175 Ian bremmer / Steve Coll aired May 04, 2012

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21x176 Adam Gopnik / Jim Hoagland / Justin Vaïsse / Hugh Carnegy / Kostya Kennedy aired May 07, 2012

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21x177 Books: “We Can All Do Better” // Books: “The Art of Being Unreasonable” aired May 08, 2012

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21x178 Movies: “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” // VTB Bank aired May 09, 2012

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21x180 Brain Series II: Episode 6: Autism aired May 11, 2012

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21x182 Movies: “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” aired May 15, 2012

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21x183 Robert Gates aired May 16, 2012

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21x184 Art: “Picasso and Francoise Gilot: Paris-Vallauris, 1943-1953” aired May 17, 2012

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21x185 The Beach Boys // Facebook IPO aired May 18, 2012

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21x186 Google aired May 21, 2012

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21x188 Naguib Sawiris / Philip Kaufman / Diane Ravitch aired May 23, 2012

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21x189 Don Gogel / Andy Cohen aired May 24, 2012

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21x190 Foreign Affairs: Pakistan-U.S. Relations // British Media aired May 25, 2012

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21x191 Books: “The Passage of Power” aired May 28, 2012

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21x192 Brain Series II: Episode 7: Depression aired May 29, 2012

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21x194 Politics: Campaign 2012 // Investing for a New World aired May 31, 2012

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21x195 Sports: “Butch Harmon About Golf” aired Jun 01, 2012

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21x196 Diamond Jubilee // Theatre: Shakespeare in the Park aired Jun 04, 2012

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21x198 Books: “China Airborne” // Books: “The Patagonian Hare” aired Jun 06, 2012

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21x199 Jeb Bush aired Jun 07, 2012

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21x202 Joe Nocera / Gillian Tett / Mark Shriver / Phil Stutz / Barry Michels aired Jun 12, 2012

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21x203 Winston Churchill aired Jun 13, 2012

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21x204 Current Affairs: U.S. Economy // Theatre: “In Paris” aired Jun 14, 2012

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21x205 Brain Series II: Episode 8: Parkinson’s Disease & Huntington’s Disease aired Jun 15, 2012

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21x207 Movies: “To Rome with Love” aired Jun 19, 2012

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21x208 Conversations on Diplomacy: Clinton and Baker aired Jun 20, 2012

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21x211 Egyptian Presidential Election / Steven Cook / Hafez al Mirazi / Taryn Simon aired Jun 25, 2012

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21x212 Marco Rubio aired Jun 26, 2012

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21x215 An Appreciation of Nora Ephron aired Jun 29, 2012

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21x216 Bill Gates aired Jul 02, 2012

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21x217 Movies: “Savages” aired Jul 03, 2012

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21x218 Presidents Day 2012 aired Jul 04, 2012

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21x219 Corporate Philanthropy // Jane Harman aired Jul 05, 2012

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21x220 Brain Series II: Episode 9: Multiple Sclerosis aired Jul 06, 2012

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21x221 Current Affairs: Higgs Boson Discovery // Microsoft aired Jul 09, 2012

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21x223 Conversations with Actresses (clipshow) aired Jul 11, 2012

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21x224 Conversations with Science (clipshow) aired Jul 12, 2012

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21x225 Conversations about Golf (clipshow) aired Jul 13, 2012

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21x227 Cancer Research // China Politics & Economy aired Jul 17, 2012

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21x228 Current Affairs: Syria // Sports: British Open Preview // Current Affairs: Army Suicides aired Jul 18, 2012

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21x229 Current Affairs: Syria // Current Affairs: Egypt // Current Affairs: Mexico aired Jul 19, 2012

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21x230 Brain Series II: Episode 10: ALS and SMA aired Jul 20, 2012

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21x231 Timothy Geithner aired Jul 23, 2012

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21x232 Current Affairs: Syria // Books: “True Believers” aired Jul 24, 2012

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21x233 Bruce Springsteen // Art: “The Clock” aired Jul 25, 2012

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21x234 Preet Bharara // Capitalism in Crisis aired Jul 26, 2012

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21x235 Book: “The Passage of Power” (rebroadcast from 5/28/2012) aired Jul 27, 2012

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21x236 Technology (clip show) aired Jul 30, 2012

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21x237 Afghanistan aired Jul 31, 2012

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21x238 Politics // Book: “Why Does The World Exist?” aired Aug 01, 2012

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21x239 Syria // Apple aired Aug 02, 2012

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21x240 Spike Lee // An Appreciation of Gore Vidal aired Aug 03, 2012

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21x241 Syria // Movie: “Hope Springs” aired Aug 06, 2012

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21x242 KING ABDULLAH aired Aug 07, 2012

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21x243 Syria // Ami Ayalon // Movie: “2 Days In New York” aired Aug 08, 2012

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21x245 A Video Essay from Jordan // Movie: “The Bourne Legacy” aired Aug 10, 2012

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21x246 Brain Series II: Episode 1: Neurological, Psychiatric and Addictive Disorders aired Aug 13, 2012

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21x247 Brain Series II: Episode 2: Conscious and unconscious cognitive processes in the brain aired Aug 14, 2012

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21x248 Brain Series II: Episode 3: Agnosia. aired Aug 15, 2012

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21x249 Brain Series II: Episode 4: Alzheimer’s Disease aired Aug 16, 2012

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21x250 Brain Series II: Episode 5: Schizophrenia aired Aug 17, 2012

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21x251 Brain Series II: Episode 6: Autism aired Aug 20, 2012

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21x252 Brain Series II: Episode 7: Depression aired Aug 21, 2012

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21x253 Brain Series II: Episode 8: Parkinson’s Disease & Huntington’s Disease aired Aug 22, 2012

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21x254 Rory McIlroy aired Aug 23, 2012

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21x255 Jeffrey Lacker // Books: “Paris: A Love Story” aired Aug 24, 2012

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21x256 Politics: Republican National Convention Preview aired Aug 27, 2012

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21x257 Politics: Republican National Convention Analysis // Luis Fortuño aired Aug 28, 2012

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21x258 Politics: Republican National Convention Analysis // RNC Cont'd // Ben Ginsberg aired Aug 29, 2012

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21x259 Politics: Republican National Convention Analysis LIVE aired Aug 30, 2012

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21x260 Politics: Republican National Convention Review aired Aug 31, 2012

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