Thirteen Reasons Why, based on the best-selling series by Jay Asher, follows teenager Clay Jensen in his quest to uncover the story behind his classmate and crush Hannah's decision to end her own life.
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Tape 1, Side A
aired Mar 31, 2017
I love the dynamics between Clay and Hannah, super relatable! The last time I was rooting so much for a relationship was Seth and Summer from The O.C.
@ForgotMyLines - Agreed. This had so much potential. It was just so hard to care about any of the characters.
Season 2 was just confirmed to come out on May 18th 2018.
I found that really annoying and frustrating. There were only about 2 likeable characters in the whole show, and Hannah was not one of them. Which means the whole season is a bit of a mess.
@Roberta It's doing my head in.
was I the only one with the really strong urge to reach inside the screen and tie Clay to a chair and make him listen to all the tapes in one go???
Very powerful stuff..
Watched it in a day... Simply couldn't stop
Very good series, but please inform yourself about certain triggers as it definitely heavy.
I can't stop watching