
likwidsolutions • Ryan

Last logged in Sep 04, 2018


likwidsolutions (Mar 21, 2015)


Thats a shame. I have other ppl to CoOp with, but it's always nice to have more just in case people aren't on.

I see that when you ARE on, you are still playing Destiny usually. What game(s) are you looking forward to next, and are any of them co-op/MP? Honestly I enjoy a good CoOp game, if it was built for it, as BloodBorne seems to be. Obviously I like competetive MP as well because I still keep up with Halo, don't really play MCC, waiting for H5 though, the beta was fantastic. Honestly the more I think about it, w/ PS+ and XBLgiving out free games monthly, it's almost not worth to not own both consoles (or all 4, although I can't really play my PS3, it's just too goddamn slow. I've actually been thinking about hacking it, but my FW is too high, although that may change. If not I think I am going to get either a 360/PS3 to hack, although I think PS3 is easier, and idk if you can do it with 360 without a physical mod (the ps3 is all custom firmwares with homebrew, emulators for PSX/PS2 and older consoles, and of course an .ISO readler for PS3 games. You can also play games installed without the disc. Pretty cool stuff, but I just hate the goddamned speed. I had an SSD in it at one point and it was as fast as a PS4/360 somewhere in that area, but eventually I sold it, no use wasting it on a console I rarely use.

Anyways, have a good time traveling, and I hope to play something with you soon.

BTW I've been playing Destiny a little more (Iron Banner is back, I think it should always be there). Plus I haven't beat the Dark Below once, or tried. I played the first part with the Thralls but some jackass couldn't follow direction to open the bridge on the next part and so I haven't played that since. Level 30 now, I need more Radiant Energy/Shards (so many damned upgrade materials/currency/rep...annoying.

Renegade412 (Mar 21, 2015)

Yeah I have a bit of free time, so I've been able to keep up with a few shows. Sneaking some hotel wifi to download stuff for long bus trips. Haven't brought my ps4 with me so I shouldn't be popping up online, although my brother might use it to play fifa once in a while. I'm not at all interested in Bloodborne.

likwidsolutions (Mar 21, 2015)

@Renegade412 lol yet you still find time to get on the site(s) you visit. I thought I saw you on PS4 as well recently. Thats cool you get to travel so much, i haven't really been too far out of my area, I live in Ohio which is just south of Michigan which borders Canada and it's about two states west of New York, you may know the states, you may not, idk. Anyways, the furthest I've been is Florida, which is like a 16 to 18 hour drive beeline. I was like 12 though, I would like to go backpacking around Europe or something at least one day. I mean there's tons of places to go but I think I'd rather go somewhere first that English is either the primary or common enough language that I don't have trouble talking to people, and I'll just say I'm Canadian so I don't get a bunch of Anti-Americana slurs lol. Jk, but seriously I hear Americans have a bad reputation around the world, then again, a lot of it is probably stereotypes, we have plenty for others countries or regions haha.

Damn when you get back you are going to have much to catch up on. If you do have your PS4 with you, are you getting BloodBorne? I preordered it a while ago because they were doing a deal where spend 100 on PSN get 15 credit, and I just bought a game and knew I wanted BB so I went ahead and preordered it just so I could get a little someting out of it. Better paying 120 USD for two games and get $15 credit back than paying 120 USD for 2 games with nothing else.

Anyways, off to play some XB1. It's weird a of games lately haven't been able to be bought right away or preordered on PS4, I thought every ps4 game had day one digital. The last two games I've got (well I bought 3 but full games, one was XBLA), DmC Definitive and just got FF Type-0 HD w/ FFXV demo, which annoyed me. It wasn't XB1, but apparently SE isn't promising even 30FPS. It was choppy a bit but beautiful.

Renegade412 (Mar 18, 2015)

And I'm missing everything since I just spent three days in the amazon and have four more months of travelling to go.

likwidsolutions (Mar 17, 2015)


FUCK YES! Two episodes of Community today, our dream has been fulfilled; after this, a movie should easily get produced, if not they can do something like what is doing with the Dead Rising: Watchtower movie (which I believe comes out 27th, and looks half decent for a non-Hollywood film based on a game series that never really had the most serious plot, but still love those games)

FF Type-0 HD released, in 10 days...BloodBorne...March is awesome. And that's only a fraction of what March brought us. I wish I had beaten Witcher 2 or I'd get 3 later this month. FFX/X-2 HD will be coming to PS4 (glad I waited on that), and then Arkham Knight, and then MGSV. 2015 is spoiling us because EVERYTHING got pushed back from last year.

Flashman (Mar 11, 2015)

@likwidsolutions Yeah, I've seen that thing around, can't say it'd be any good for me even in theory since I follow about 300 shows I've never watched at all.

Renegade412 (Mar 10, 2015)

There was another clip from the mid season finale, I think, of him finding the map to Washington. So he's coming, I guess. Wouldn't be surprised if he's one of Daryl's first recruits.

About the Recommender - it's clearly just a bot, should've just ignored it.

likwidsolutions (Mar 10, 2015)

@Renegade412 I'm replying the your mesage from Oct. 21, 2014, it's like 6 messages down. About what I missed from the premiere.

I know I don't need to warn you but SPOILERS if you haven't seen the last episode. (I always forget how to use tags) I wish it was just standard HTML, anyways...)

It's weird, nothing about that little clip has come to fruition and it seems less likely he will show up soon unless somehow he becomes one of the "recruits". That would be interesting seeing as how Rick is basically already sure about the "heist", although it did seem like he was having thoughts about putting those people outside. They would die in a heartbeat, never having really encountered the world as it is, but only small pieces of it.

likwidsolutions (Mar 10, 2015)

@theRecommender @Renegade412 @Flashman @yoryan

I'm tired of you telling me what I should watch based on your so-called statistics. I watch what I want, when I want. If I didn't, I'd buy cable, but I'm not THAT gullible. Defriended. Besides, I get better recommendations from people like the guys I tagged than this person/bot/thing. Word of mouth, way to go. That and just randomly watching stuff on a whim, sometimes you hit, sometimes you miss, but you still see something you hadn't before.

Nothing to do with you guys I tagged, I just thought you guys might find this Recommender thing so stupid and somewhat funny. I mean sometimes it does recommend good shows, but what it bases it on is ridiculous. I "should watch The IT Crowd because you already follow Twin Peaks, The Office US, The Big Bang Theory." First off, I've only seen the first episode of Twin Peaks, I stopped BBT and Office (although I stopped in S9), but it only takes the shows into account, not how much you've watch said shows. I do know that Twin Peaks seemed NOTHING like the latter two, now the IT Crowd. I mean I don't know but I just know TPs is weird as hell. I have so many suggestions because I watch Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and The Walking Dead...those are like the 3 shows EVERYONE watches that aren't even television aficionados.

theRecommender (Mar 03, 2015)

You should watch Person of Interest because you already follow Arrow, Fringe, Game of Thrones, 24
You should watch Revenge because you already follow Once Upon a Time, Gossip Girl, 24
You should watch The IT Crowd because you already follow Twin Peaks, The Office US, The Big Bang Theory

theRecommender (Feb 06, 2015)

You should watch The Pacific because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Band of Brothers, Game of Thrones
You should watch South Park because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Family Guy, Breaking Bad, The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones
You should watch American Horror Story because you already follow Once Upon a Time, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones

likwidsolutions (Jan 09, 2015)

@theRecommender Hi there, thanks for the recommendations, but just because I follow something doesn't mean I "follow" it, it may just mean I watched it and didn't care for it so I started watching something else, and most of the shows you based off my viewing habits are shows I gave up a long time ago. However, I have Marvel SHIEILD and have been meaning to watch that, so I have more incentive now, and I may check out True Detective just because the recommendation based on those shows is pretty accurate. But New Girl isn't something I would probably watch. If you want to suggest a comedy, I would use Community, Arrested Development, Trailer Park Boys (my 3 favorite comedies in that order)

theRecommender (Jan 05, 2015)

Hi there likwidsolutions,
I am the Recommender and I have analyzed the viewing habits of all the users. Now I am able to give you recommendations matching the series you love and follow.

You should watch New Girl because you already follow Once Upon a Time, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones
You should watch True Detective because you already follow Dexter, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, House of Cards 2013
You should watch Marvel s Agents of S H I E L D because you already follow The Flash, Arrow, Game of Thrones

If you want to recieve new recommendations on a monthly basis you should add me as a friend and I'll keep you updated.

Renegade412 (Oct 21, 2014)

What you missed from The Walking Dead season 5 premiere:

likwidsolutions (Oct 01, 2014)

@yoryan The problem with TV and me these days is I just have soooo much to watch/read/play etc. I am playing Destiny, Shadow of Mordor and the Last of Us Remastered on Grounded Mode. I am almost done with Grounded, Shadow of Mordor JUST came out. Then I have to finish Dance with Dragons before GoT airs, and I have literally about 20-25 new graphic novels I want to read that I have gotten behind on. It's sad to have so much great media yet not enough time to take advantage of it.

yoryan (Sep 30, 2014)

@likwidsolutions Well The Flash starts soon. It's a Arrow spin off so you could always check that out. Plus the pilot leaked a while back so you can watch it now if you wanted.

Plus Constantine starts in October. I think that'll be right up your alley.

And if you need a new show to watch, watch Hannibal, True Detective and Fargo. All have new seasons that are going to air eventually.

likwidsolutions (Sep 30, 2014)

Come on arrow, orphan black, house of cards....besides DW and the Strain (which is still up for debate on how well it will turn out), I want some of the few shows I continue to watch back! Turn time to next week, Doctor so I will have played Shadow of Mordor plenty, possibly beaten the LoU Grounded Mode, and will have tons of legendary/exotic armor/weapons in Destiny....) I'm tired of the shows on right now.

@renegade412 @flashman The only shows I'm watching on TV besides those right now (still need to finish TPB S8 which I might do today), are Under the Dome (not gonna last), The Strain and Doctor Who. I also watched Sleepy Hollow S1 but I missed something and need to either rewatch or read a synopsis of S1 to start S2.

Flashman (Jul 22, 2014)

Orphan Black never directly states the location, but it's filmed and set in Toronto. There are references here and there to areas of the city and street names, and they use Canadian money.

Renegade412 (Jul 21, 2014)

Not a bad idea. I have books lying all around my room, and I have the Comixology app with hundreds of unread comics on it (all of which were purchased on some ridiculous sale). But somehow I spend an hour and a half in bed every morning watching a TV show, two hours later in the day catching up on something, then whatever new episode has just come out, then work, and before I know it I've run out of time to read.

likwidsolutions (Jul 21, 2014)

yeah I realized that. I just remember the first episode, when she is at the train station, some woman on the PA said "train leaving/departing for new york", so it would make sense if it was in or around New York, maybe New Jersey, at least somewhere where there is a big city and suburbs around it, because Felix mentions how he feels out of place when he's not in the city lol.

I finally finished S2 band can't wait for S3; one of the good things about this BBC show is that it has 10 episodes a season instead of their usual 6-8. Well, "finally" is a broad term considering it was only a few days.

I think I might take a short break from TV for about a week or two to catch up on some reading. I still have to finish Dance with Dragons (I'm like exactly where the show left off, so glad they are done with Storm of Swords stuff, although I was hoping to see Lady Stonehart).

Plus I have a bunch of comics to get through, don't know if you are into Coheed and Cambria, their band is a concept band with each album telling a chapter or Volume of the story. I have all the comics (in fact I spent nearly $1000 getting every issue, cover variant, special editions, because fans of CoCa are hardcore and I figure it's an investment, and if it turns out not to be, well I don't mind keeping them) I just need to read them; luckily I have Hardcover editions so I don't even touch the comics, I plan to get them CGC graded which ups their value tremendously.

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