
Renegade412 • Dave

Last logged in 6 days ago


likwidsolutions (Mar 12, 2015)


Also when GoT S5 comes out, I don't even know if I'll watch it right away. I'm on the fence right now because GRRM already said the show will pass the books, which you could tell it was getting close, but at least try to finish WoW before! He really doesn't give a shit what people think lol.

I still need to read DwD which I won't watch S5 until I read it anyways, but they might throw stuff in there from past Book 5 this season, and I don't really want to watch it before reading it.

Although I know the books will take a while to be released in its entirety so I'd be holding GoT off for a long time. I just hate that it's happening this way.

Oh yeah and that Powers show was just released PS Plus, I just watched the Pilot, it looks alright but looks like it may have potential, so I'll keep up with it.

likwidsolutions (Mar 12, 2015)

@Renegade412 Yea I'll prob watch it soon.
I really liked her character in the Office (drawing a blank on the character's name), but by that time the show wasn't really that great anymore. I'm probably not gonna stream it, I'll just download the torrents of web rips, just because I like to have it all backed up on my 4TB External, which is only for streaming.

March is turning out to be an exciting month. In games we've got FF Type 0 HD which comes with 3 hour FFXV demo, BloodBorne (you getting BB, cuz I know I will want to co-op), DmC Definitive just came out (I know it's not the most popular game, especially for DMC hardcore fans, but I love it, and the Hardcore mode makes it much more fun. Still a little easy on my first run, but pretty excited to play Virgil's Bloody Palace; you have to beat it once to unlock that stuff. Honestly I think because it was a definitive...and I use that lightly, because it's not a TLoU or GTAV remaster which is prob why it was released for $40, but it does look better and 60FPS makes it much smoother, and I like the Hardcore and Turbo Modes.

TV we have House of Cards released already, Community, Orphan Black, the rest of TWD, Arrow and The Flash are back, I hate missing my Arrow! I didn't know they are making ANOTHER TPB's season, which starts this month as well. No more Gotham though for March.

TWD S5 (while I'm not as into the show as before, I still love it, but this season is a strange dynamic. I'm thinking They'll take the city but somehow defuse the sitution. Just because it would be dumb to mention that and then not go through with it, but at the same time if they did take Alexandria, they'd become the bad guys and less sympathetic, so maybe something will happen that forces them to work together (If I were Rick I'd take the place over as a demonstration of why they aren't as safe as Deanna thinks, but return control and hope she makes better calls)

Renegade412 (Mar 11, 2015)

@likwidsolutions it'll be streamed weekly on yahoo. Kim is pretty good, weird and funny like the better parts of 30 Rock. I'm gonna watch the rest of the season on the plane today.

likwidsolutions (Mar 11, 2015)

actually, I think it will be released the same way it always has...torrents.

How is Kimmy Schmidt? I liked the promo trailer

likwidsolutions (Mar 11, 2015)

I just watched some of the premiere's and promos. We don't need to promo. You don't need to watch, you get to watch, it's a privilege.

likwidsolutions (Mar 11, 2015)


Holy shit, I just realized that Community S6 is airing in a few weeks. You know how we will watch it? Is it gonna be on a certain channel, or through an online service? Man, the news is streets ahead of me.

yoryan (Mar 11, 2015)

@Renegade412 Oh wow, have fun!

Renegade412 (Mar 10, 2015)

Well... today I'm off to see the world again. Little sad that I won't be able to watch a lot of my favourite shows for 4 months, but I think the awesomeness of South America will male up for it.

dannys717 (Dec 08, 2014)

@Renegade412 @yoryan @Excitebike Okay, dub it is for this then. Thanks guys!

Excitebike (Dec 08, 2014)

@dannys717 yeah Bebop is a good start. Renegade put me on Fullmetal Alchemist as my first anime and that was also a perfect starter

yoryan (Dec 07, 2014)

@dannys717 Bebop was my first anime(well not counting Pokemon) and I still consider it to be the best anime I've ever seen. And yeah, stick with the dub. I'm usually a sub man but Bebop's dub is generally considered to be one of the best.

Renegade412 (Dec 07, 2014)

@dannys717 It's not really that representative of modern anime, but it's a great place to start regardless. It's from an age where anime wasn't filled to the brink with fanservice, so it'll come across as a lot more adult than something from the last couple of years. It's a fantastic series, really, and well worth your time anyway. It'll introduce you pretty well to the genre, though, as it's a very well made series that shows how well anime can be done. Lots of imagery and thoughtfulness, that sort of thing.

Sub v dub is a matter of personal preference. There are sub elitists out there that will tell you than only the sub stuff is worth watching, but there are definitely shows out there that dub just works better, IMO. Cowboy Bebop is one of those shows. Fullmetal Alchemist would be another. It's a personal preference based on the idea that if something is in a foreign language, it's harder to tell the bad voice acting from the good. Just treat it case by case, but for Cowboy Bebop, definitely stick with the dub.

dannys717 (Dec 07, 2014)

Hey, looking for some advice. Hulu Plus is getting Cowboy Bebop and I've decided to watch it over my winter break. It would be my first anime. Is it a good introduction to the genre? They have both sub and dub. Is one always preferable to the other, or is it different on a show by show basis?

TheZombiePirate (Sep 07, 2014)

I seen Yu Yu Hakusho, DB, DBZ, FMA, Samuri champloo, Highschool of the dead, Trigun and started brotherhood but will start over sometime. Need to finish Soul Eater and Eden of the East.

Renegade412 (Sep 02, 2014)

@Excitebike yeah, I've read all the trilogy and the standalones (which are just as good)

Excitebike (Sep 02, 2014)

Congratulations. I've had a summer full of weddings, vacations, and work. Luckily list of summer shows was very short and I've been more into 2014 music and reading in my free time. I have under 200 pages left of Last Argument of Kings and it has really been a remarkable trilogy. Did you ever get around to reading it?

dannys717 (Sep 02, 2014)

Congrats! It seems my pace slowed up a lot during the summer, so I'm a few months from hitting the mark too (unless writing a thesis and studying for LSATs slows me down further).

yoryan (Sep 02, 2014)

@Renegade412 Congrats and welcome to the club.

Renegade412 (Sep 02, 2014)

@Flashman It's like "oh god... what am I doing with my life?" then "holy fucking shitballs that was amazing I love TV".

Flashman (Sep 01, 2014)

@Renegade412 One of us. One of us. One of ussss...

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