

Last logged in Oct 19, 2016
Total time wasted: 1 month, 2 days, 6 hours

Detailed overview

Show Time wasted
Arrested Development  1 day, 10 hours
Buffy the Vampire Slayer  6 days, 60 minutes
Community  12 hours, 30 minutes
Dexter  3 days, 12 hours
Firefly  14 hours
Marvel's Jessica Jones  14 hours
Orange is the New Black  2 days, 5 hours
Orphan Black  1 day, 16 hours
Sherlock  13 hours, 30 minutes
Star Trek  3 days, 8 hours
Stargate Universe  14 hours
The Big Bang Theory  4 days, 11 hours
The IT Crowd  12 hours
The Mentalist  6 days, 7 hours