Last logged in Feb 05, 2011
Total time wasted:
1 month, 9 days, 15 minutes
Detailed overview
Show | Time wasted |
24 | 60 minutes |
Cops | 2 hours |
Cosmos | 60 minutes |
Doctor Who | 3 days, 2 hours |
Doctor Who | 3 hours, 45 minutes |
Firefly | 13 hours |
FullMetal Alchemist (US) | 1 hour, 30 minutes |
House | 1 day, 6 hours |
Jekyll | 3 hours |
Lost | 4 days, 15 hours |
MythBusters | 18 hours |
Prison Break | 1 day, 20 hours |
Quantum Leap | 6 hours |
Star Trek | 3 days, 8 hours |
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | 2 hours |
Star Trek: The Next Generation | 1 day, 2 hours |
Star Trek: Voyager | 7 days, 4 hours |
Stargate Atlantis | 3 days, 23 hours |
Stargate SG-1 | 8 days, 22 hours |
The Dresden Files | 2 hours |
The Universe: Ancient Mysteries Solved | 2 hours |
Top Gear | 4 hours |
Torchwood | 1 day, 7 hours |