
RoryBecker • Rory Becker

Last logged in Jan 25, 2013
Total time wasted: 1 month, 9 days, 13 hours

Detailed overview

Show Time wasted
Dexter  3 days
Doctor Who  3 days, 11 hours
Fringe  2 days, 17 hours
Heroes  3 days, 6 hours
Homeland  12 hours
House  7 days, 8 hours
Jericho  1 day, 5 hours
Person of Interest  23 hours
Prison Break  3 days, 7 hours
Sherlock  10 hours, 30 minutes
Smallville  9 days
The Big Bang Theory  2 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes
The Wire  2 days, 2 hours