

Last logged in Nov 26, 2014
Total time wasted: 1 month, 8 days, 4 hours

Detailed overview

Show Time wasted
Boardwalk Empire  1 day, 12 hours
Downton Abbey  23 hours
Freaks and Geeks  18 hours
Friends  4 days, 22 hours
Gilmore Girls  6 days, 9 hours
Girls  10 hours
Gossip Girl  5 days, 60 minutes
Heroes  1 day, 5 hours
Homeland  24 hours
House  4 days, 15 hours
House of Cards  13 hours
Lost  4 days, 14 hours
New Girl  1 day, 30 minutes
Prison Break  23 hours
Scrubs  24 hours
The Big Bang Theory  2 days, 30 minutes
Twin Peaks  1 day, 6 hours