
StrangeBean • SB

Last logged in Mar 02, 2015
Total time wasted: 20 days, 13 hours, 15 minutes

Detailed overview

Show Time wasted
Breaking Bad  2 days, 14 hours
Burn Notice  3 hours
Community  2 days, 60 minutes
Cowboy Bebop  5 hours
Death Note  18 hours, 30 minutes
Firefly  12 hours
Futurama  2 days, 14 hours
Hustle  3 hours
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012)  1 day, 5 hours
Parks and Recreation  2 days, 60 minutes
Seinfeld  3 days, 18 hours
Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann  11 hours, 15 minutes
The Office  4 days, 3 hours, 30 minutes