Last logged in Nov 12, 2016
Total time wasted:
1 month, 13 days, 9 hours, 25 minutes
Detailed overview
Show | Time wasted |
Adventure Time | 2 days, 11 hours |
Archer | 1 day, 3 hours |
Arrested Development | 1 day, 10 hours |
Avatar: The Last Airbender | 1 day, 7 hours |
Band of Brothers | 10 hours |
Batman: The Animated Series | 1 day, 16 hours |
Bob's Burgers | 30 minutes |
BoJack Horseman | 13 hours, 30 minutes |
Community | 1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes |
Dead Like Me | 14 hours |
Doctor Who | 3 days, 12 hours, 45 minutes |
Firefly | 15 hours |
Flight of the Conchords | 11 hours |
Friends | 1 day, 8 hours, 30 minutes |
Frisky Dingo | 60 minutes |
Futurama | 2 days, 14 hours |
Game of Thrones | 2 days, 12 hours |
Gravity Falls | 20 hours, 30 minutes |
House | 5 days, 11 hours |
How I Met Your Mother | 4 days, 9 hours, 30 minutes |
Life on Mars | 16 hours |
Over The Garden Wall | 2 hours, 30 minutes |
Parks and Recreation | 2 days, 5 hours |
Planet Earth | 11 hours |
Police Squad! | 3 hours |
QI | 7 hours, 30 minutes |
Regular Show | 9 hours, 30 minutes |
Rick and Morty | 11 hours |
Sherlock | 13 hours, 30 minutes |
The Big Bang Theory | 30 minutes |
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | 11 hours |
The IT Crowd | 12 hours |
The Legend of Korra | 1 day, 5 hours, 30 minutes |
The Wire | 1 day, 3 hours |
Torchwood | 1 day, 17 hours |
True Detective | 8 hours |
Wauters vs. Waes | 6 hours, 40 minutes |