The TVRage situation

By SilentAlarm - Sep 14, 2015

As you may know: We've been using the TVRage API to get all our data (the airdates, episodes,.. ). Their website has been offline for a week by now, so we're preparing for the worst. At this moment Jelle is developing an alternative. We just wanted to let you know that there is no loss of data (and there won't be). All the existing data are safe in our database.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this.

PS. We'll be replying on the mails we received about becoming a moderator / developer this week. Send us an email at if you haven't done so already!

-- Update Saturday 10 October --

I (Jelle) am swamped with work at the moment. Will be for another week probably. I secretly hoped tvrage would have come back online but it seems like it's dead for good.

This means that I have to completely rewrite the importer and figure out how to map existing data to new external data.

This takes a long time because that part of the application was designed for speed and is very complex. It would take me several days to change, optimize and test with live data.

Currently I just have no time at all to do this. I'm working 15h + daily at my regular job to finish a big project before its deadline.

I might be able to start work on this update tomorrow for a couple of hours. But it being finished, tested and deployed will take at least a week or two.


Saxo (Nov 03, 2015)

"Our fix will be online tonight or tomorrow. "

Thank god. Will prob continue using TvMaze alongside FMTV just as a backup but I'm happy FMTV is back.

goessaertN (Nov 02, 2015)

Quick update.
I've started work on the updated importer logic yesterday. Fetching the data works already, next up is mapping the data to our internal structure. We should have this deployed somewhere this week.

Status update on facebook 1 hour ago

Saxo (Nov 02, 2015)

@Flashman there was one that wasn't in the database for me too, it just followed the rest and listed the ones it couldn't (The Gamechangers).

I did notice it didn't add some shows, from what I can see it's shows that don't have an episode yet - Jessica Jones, etc so I added them manually.

Flashman (Nov 02, 2015)

@janp Went through and did it manually, but I suspect the importing issue might be that my account here has about 50 shows that don't seem to exist in your database.

SilentAlarm (Nov 01, 2015)

@Vimy As far as I know, @lemon is fixing it. Haven't got more info from him as well.

Altruth (Oct 30, 2015)

This is so sad, such a great site and you are just letting it die. I don't like TVMaze or TVShowTime, but I think I'll have to get used to them.

trailerjohnny (Oct 30, 2015)

@brunahani Thanks. TV Show Time is lookin damn good

markaroni (Oct 30, 2015)

@mvdkelen as I mentioned before. Tvmaze has a lot more show information and doesn't waste my bandwidth. They also built the fmtv importer which saved me a ton of time moving my shows.

Vimy (Oct 30, 2015)

Any news @SilentAlarm or @lemon?

sarvadohh (Oct 30, 2015)

To me, is over. And it really is such a shame, because the site is wonderful, but the lack of information coming from the FMTV team is frustrating. I'm definitely going to tvmaze and not coming back.

brunahani (Oct 29, 2015)

The TV Show Time site looks pretty solid. The app is good as well.

Looks like i'm switching over.

Thanks for 3 wonderful years FMTV.

seriealkiller (Oct 29, 2015)

All we want is regular updates on what's going on. I know you're busy but putting out a tweet every other day costs like 10 seconds. Cmon guys.

mvdkelen (Oct 29, 2015)

@markaroni ,
TVShow Time has mobile apps and widgets!!

WGenee (Oct 29, 2015)


Frigo (Oct 29, 2015)

Can't we all pay you 5 bucks for the hard work?

Saxo (Oct 29, 2015)

@tomf yep they're gonna kill the site. They said Sunday or Monday there will be news, it's now Thursday with none. It's a shame really as FMTV has the best layout imo but I've temporarily (soon to be permanent if this keeps up) moved over to TVMaze and the admins there seem active and willing to add new features, hell they even fixed a bug I reported within an hr so that site seems to have a bright future.

TomF (Oct 29, 2015)

This is so unprofessional and getting really ridiculous.. Just be honest instead of giving us false hope. Even if it gets fixed, they should lose users, just because of this amateurism.

BertDenolf (Oct 29, 2015)


monikabila (Oct 29, 2015)

@Saxo In my opinion she doesn't care what is gonna happend with this page,so many people try or offer to help but she not even answered.

monikabila (Oct 29, 2015)

@markaroni I'm sorry but I didn't check it on mobile just simple page but for me better it means that looks better (more colorfull) and easier to add all tv shows.

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