Last logged in Oct 12, 2014
Total time wasted:
2 months, 11 days, 13 hours, 45 minutes
Detailed overview
Show | Time wasted |
Adventure Time | 1 day, 19 hours |
Band of Brothers | 10 hours |
Black Mirror | 6 hours |
Breaking Bad | 2 days, 14 hours |
Californication | 1 day, 18 hours |
Dead Set | 2 hours, 30 minutes |
Doctor Who | 3 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes |
Doctor Who | 12 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes |
Entourage | 2 days |
Futurama | 2 days, 14 hours |
Game of Thrones | 1 day, 16 hours |
House | 7 days, 8 hours |
John Adams | 8 hours, 10 minutes |
Lost | 5 days, 60 minutes |
Neon Genesis Evangelion | 10 hours, 50 minutes |
New Girl | 1 day, 14 hours |
Once Upon a Time | 2 days, 20 hours |
Orphan Black | 20 hours |
Six Feet Under | 2 days, 15 hours |
Sons of Anarchy | 3 days, 13 hours |
Stephen KingĀ“s The Stand | 6 hours |
The Big Bang Theory | 3 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes |
The Pacific | 10 hours |
The Sopranos | 3 days, 14 hours |
The Walking Dead | 2 days, 3 hours |
The X-Files | 8 days, 10 hours |
True Detective | 8 hours |